Monday, February 16, 2015

Opportunity for Portrait Artists

Deadline: March 4, 2015


The International Portrait Competition is open to all artists, members and non-members
with more than $60,000 to be awarded in cash & prizes. The $45 entry fee covers up to 3 submissions and all entries must be uploaded through the website in a jpg digital format by midnight on March 4,

Prospectus located on website indicates all the rules, including size restriction.

Details: 850-878-9996 OR OR

Sunday, February 15, 2015

1990s artwork

Between 1992-1994 I lived in Sonoma, California (great place!!!) and at that time I was still serving in the US Navy as the Executive Officer (XO) of NSGA Skaggs Island.

Prior to that, destiny had given me the opportunity to be stationed at NSGA Edzell, in Scotland... easily one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

While in Scotland I worked with a model named Fleur, took some shots of her and then, and later on, using the photos while living in Sonoma, created some watercolors based on the images.

At the time a local Sonoma gallery (Presidio Gallery) picked me up and gave me two great solo shows... one was an incredible solo aimed at raising funds for the Sonoma Ballet Conservatory - that story deserves a post of its own - and the other was a show of assorted artwork.

And then, thanks to the amazing connectivity of Al Gore's Interwebs, I get an email from the person who bought two of the Fleur watercolors.

And for the first time since 1993... here they are!

"Fleur" circa 1993, watercolor 10x8 inches by F. Lennox Campello
"Fleur" circa 1993, watercolor 10x8 inches by F. Lennox Campello

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Opportunity for Artists

Call for Artists - Open Portfolio Review

JASPER ARTS CENTER -- Public art gallery is reviewing portfolios for solo and group shows for 2016.

All media. No fees. Professional, non-student artists only. Artwork must be presented in a professional manner.

Gallery provides invitations, press releases, honorarium, insurance coverage on-site, and reception where
needed. Artist is responsible for framing, shipping and/or delivery.

30% commission.
Send 10 images minimum for solo show, more for group show, along with artist statement and curriculum vitae. Digital images should be on CD. E-mail submissions accepted. There are also paid opportunities
for workshops/gallery talks in conjunction with the exhibit.

Details here.
Deadline March 13, 2015

Mail materials along with SASE to:
Emily Colucci, Visual Arts Coordinator
Jasper Arts Center
951 College Ave.
Jasper, IN 47546


Friday, February 13, 2015

Artists prisoners of Castro

Today join the Twitter demonstration (#FreeTaniaAngelElSexto) demanding the freedom of:

Danilo Maldonado, a Cuban artist known as "El Sexto," who has been imprisoned since December 26th, 2014 -- pursuant to the Obama-Castro deal.

Angel Santiesteban-Prats, a Cuban novelist who has been imprisoned since February, 28, 2013, and was left behind by the Obama-Castro deal.

Tania Bruguera, a New York-based Cuban artist, who was temporarily arrested on December 30, 2014 for organizing a free speech performance entitled #YoTambienExijo -- pursuant to the Obama-Castro deal. She had her passport confiscated and is not allowed to leave the island.


This is what you get when you Google images for "Washington, DC artists." 

This is what you get when you Google images for "Maryland artists."

This is what you get when you Google images for "Virginia artists."

This is what you get when your Google image "Obama paintings."

This is what you get when you Google image "Bush paintings."

Cough, cough...


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Artists Opportunity with BMA

The Baltimore Museum of Art has issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to artists in the Greater Baltimore area interested in being considered for a collaborative project that will debut with the museum’s new center for learning and creativity (CLC) in October 2015. The BMA will contract with one artist or artist team, in partnership with an area non-profit, to produce a year-long project on the theme of ‘home’. Details of the RFQ are available on the BMA’s website.

Responses are due by midnight, Friday, February 27, 2015.

The opening of the CLC is the culmination of the BMA’s $28 million phased renovation to offer visitors a more welcoming environment and more imaginative encounters with the collection. It is designed to fuel new ways of thinking about art, culture, and contemporary life in Baltimore and beyond.

Through exhibitions, programs, digital initiatives, outreach, and partnerships, the CLC will spark new ways of thinking about art and culture in the context of the wider world. Equal parts catalyst, convener, and connector, the CLC will deepen visitor understanding of human experiences and stimulate the creativity essential for addressing some of society’s greatest challenges. The center is comprised of five interconnected spaces—a total of 5,550 square feet situated adjacent to the museum’s newly renovated Zamoiski East Entrance and East Wing Lobby.

The selected artist or artist team will activate the museum’s new 864 sq. ft. community commons space with artwork and with a series of free public programs implemented between October 2015 and August 2016. The project budget, inclusive of all fees, materials, fabrication expenses, and transport is $30,000.

Eligibility is limited to artists who meet the following guidelines:
  • Artists who are working in traditional or new media, public art, and/or performance-based visual expression.
  • Artists who have a history of collaboration, social, and/or participatory practice.
  • Artists whose work addresses the theme of ‘home.’
  • Artists must reside within the Greater Baltimore region (defined as Baltimore City and its surrounding five counties (Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel, Howard, and Carroll counties) during the 12-month project period.
  • Artists may not be enrolled in a degree-seeking program, either part-time or full-time, at an institution of higher learning at the time of the application deadline.
  • BMA staff and their families are not eligible to apply.
  • Artists must apply in partnership with a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Responding candidates are asked to submit a PDF portfolio, resume, references, a letter of intent, and up to five pages of supporting materials. Also required is a letter of support, mission statement and legal proof of 501(c)(3) status from a non-profit partner organization. Interested candidates are invited to review the full details of the RFQ on the BMA’s website.

The selection process includes selecting a shortlist of candidates in March, presentations and interviews with candidates in April, and final selection announced on April 30.

Please address all questions to Jessica Braiterman, Manger of Community Engagement and Learning (

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

PK on Mayor Bowser

They simply don’t have the money, and money is all that matters. Never mind that the institute would have enlivened a neighborhood that pretty much goes dark when offices close at the end of the day. Never mind that the city desperately needs an open space for large temporary art exhibitions that are a staple of the cultural diet in other, more progressive, far-sighted metropolitan areas. Never mind the innumerable intangible advantages to having an institution devoted to free expression and innovation closely knit into the fabric of the downtown core.

Thank God for Artomatic, uh? Read Kennicott in the WaPo here - also read the commenters lambasting him... Ouch!