Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tomorrow night

Covering the Arts
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday March 18, 2015
VisArts at Rockville
Kaplan Gallery
155 Gibbs St.
Rockville, MD 20850
Details here.

Come and pick my brain about art fairs, dealing with art galleries, the press, curators, documenting your work, grants, residencies, contracts, etc. Free!

Trawick Prize

The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards is a visual art prize produced by the Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District that honors artists from Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia. 
The annual juried competition awards $14,000 in prize monies to selected artists and features the work of the finalists in a group exhibition.
Best in Show - $10,000
Second Place - $2,000
Third Place - $1,000
Young Artists* - $1,000
*Young Artist whose birthday is after April 7, 1985 may be awarded this prize. 
The Jurors will select up to 9 finalists who will be invited to display their work in a group exhibition at Gallery B in downtown Bethesda in September 2015. 

Deadline to apply is April 7, 2015.  Click here for more info & to apply.

Questions?  Please send an email to artist@bethesda.org.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mujertrees Number Three

Signed vintage prints from my "Mujertrees" series have sold at auction as high as $500... this 1992 vintage piece is opening at Ebay for less than $50 bucks!!!

And I believe that this is the original drawing from which the 100 prints were pulled, so this would be a steal at the current opening price! It is being listed as a print!

Bid for it here.

Arts Job: Carroll Community College in Westminster, MD

Deadline:  4/3/2015   
Description:   The position of FACULTY MEMBER OF FINE ARTS/DISCIPLINE COORDINATOR OF FINE ARTS is available in the Academic AffairsDivision. This position is on a full-time 10 month basis, reporting to the Chair of Visual Arts.
FUNCTION: Serves as faculty teaching a reduced load to perform Discipline Coordinator duties. The Faculty Member/Discipline Coordinator is responsible for: planning and making available appropriate study materials; conducting educationally valuable activities in the classroom or laboratory; making assignments of student work; evaluating and grading student progress; collecting and analyzing outcomes assessment data; reviewing and revising curricula; attending departmental meetings; general faculty meetings and College-wide meetings as required; serving on appropriate College committees; hiring, mentoring and handling promotion reviews of adjunct instructors; searching and contracting artists for gallery exhibitions throughout academic year; writing and submitting copy and relevant images to the Publications Department for exhibit related materials; invitations and brochures within the required timelines; receiving and hanging artwork for all exhibits and arranging and attending gallery receptions for openings; creating wall-text, title cards and ancillary materials for exhibits (including student shows), contacting and/or responding to news media requests for interviews and information concerning exhibits; purchasing gallery supplies and caring for and protecting the College’s art collection as needed; and responding to the need for a full appraisal and accounting of its contents every four years; and performing other duties as assigned.
REQUIREMENTS: Master's degree or higher in the teaching discipline or Master's degree or higher with a concentration in the teaching discipline. Two years of demonstrated teaching experience at the college level and evidence of exhibit/curatorial experience outside of one’s own artwork. Candidate should have both studio and art history knowledge with the ability to teach either if necessary. Administrative/managerial experience is required.
SALARY: Instructor rank on the 10-month Carroll Community College Salary Scale. Actual salary placement based on education and experience. Position includes excellent fringe benefit package.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Interested applicants must submit a cover letter, resume, a one- to two-page statement of teaching philosophy, ten images of applicant’s professional work, and ten images of applicant’s student work postmarked by April 3, 2015, to the Human Resources Department at Carroll Community College, 1601 Washington Road, Westminster, Maryland 21157 or email hr@carrollcc.edu. In order to qualify for employment, candidates must successfully complete a criminal background check.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR FACULTY APPLICANTS: Generally, the College places new faculty at the rank of Instructor, where the minimum based salary is $38,356. One-half of reasonable travel expenses are paid by the College for the first visit. The entire cost of travel for the second interview is paid by the College. The College does not pay for relocation expenses, nor does the College have tenure. However, following a one-year probationary period, year-to-year contracts are provided until three years of satisfactory service are completed, after which time 3-year contracts are provided.
 “An Equal Opportunity Employer”

Wanna a great deal for a great signed print?

Signed vintage prints from my "Mujertrees" series have sold at auction as high as $500... this 1992 vintage piece is opening at auction for less than $50 bucks!!!

Bid for it here. And it is for a GREAT cause!

At the Affordable Art Fair next week...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Salon: A Conversation with me

Covering the Arts
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday March 18, 2015
VisArts at Rockville
Kaplan Gallery
155 Gibbs St.
Rockville, MD 20850
Details here.

Come and pick my brain about art fairs, dealing with art galleries, the press, curators, documenting your work, grants, residencies, contracts, etc. Free!