Friday, August 07, 2015

Studio Available October 2015

Deadline: Sept. 15, 2015

Studio Available October 2015


Studio is 215 sq. feet.
  • Rent is $405 per month, inclusive of all utilities.
  • Artists are required to be in the space during retail hours of Wed. - Sat., 12-6pm and during the monthly Bethesda Art Walk.
  • Artist has 24/7 access to Studio B and their personal studio space.
  • Artist may sell artwork and there is no commission taken on artist sales.

Members of the Bethesda Arts and Entertainment District and arts professionals will review the applications and select the Studio B artist. If necessary, an interview may be requested. Applicants will be notified about whether their applications have been selected. Bethesda Urban Partnership will perform credit and criminal background checks and execute leases with the tenants. Once maximum occupancy is reached, applicants will be placed on a waiting list until a studio becomes available.


Complete this application and submit the following:
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Artwork Samples
  • Proof of Income
  • Proof of Identity
  • $30 fee per applicant for credit and criminal background checks

QUESTIONS? Please email

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals: IMPACT at GREEN SPRING STATION

Application Deadline: Saturday, August 15, 2015

Are you an artist that enjoys working with unusual materials? Then this opportunity might be for you!
MAP, in partnership with Green Spring Station, is seeking an artist or artist team to create an original temporary indoor installation comprised of items donated by Green Spring Station merchants. Items may include: resistance bands/dumbbells, bras, nighties, pjs, hair products, blow-dryer, dresses, tennis racquets and balls, boxed stationery, journals, guest books, calendars, sample event stationery, children’s books, wooden toys, and candy. The resulting sculpture does not need to incorporate all materials.

The selected artist/artist team will receive a $1,000 stipend to cover the cost of additional materials and labor. Installation is scheduled to take place between October 1 and November 13, 2015.

The full RFP can be downloaded here.
This call is open to all Maryland-based artists and is free to apply.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

High line

Official US Navy photo of me being highlined from USS Thorn to USS John King somewhere in the Med in the early 1980s. My boss, then Commodore Jeremy Boorda (DESRON 22) used to love to highline sailors, and in this instance I was delivering a FitRep to the CO of USS John King (as well as a box of donuts and some Intel reports) - if you zoom in you can see my bearded face and a cheap stogie between my lips... cough, cough...

Monday, August 03, 2015

Enigmas of Cuban Spanish

Anthony T. Rivas starts his entertaining "Enigmas of Cuban Spanish" by noting that "Non-Cuban Spanish speakers have occasional trouble understanding fast Cuban speech. While less educated Cuban speakers can be difficult to understand, as with speakers of other dialects of Spanish, better educated speakers of Cuban Spanish can also exhibit speech sounds typical of "careless" or relaxed speech." 

Ahhh... my own experience, especially around the DMV (where most "native" Spanish speakers are from Central America, and in my neighborhood from Argentina), is more like a perplexed look... this chart (from his research) exemplifies the nuances, even within Cuba, of Cuban Spanish.

Old Oriente ProvinceRest of CubaEnglish Meaning
cutara chancletas slippers
papaya fruta bomba papaya
balance* sillón rocking chair
balde cubo bucket
rallado, rasco-rasco (Matanzas) granizado (Bayamo and Santiago)ice cone
macholechónsuckling pig
pluma, llave** faucet tap
túnico* vestido dress
hallaca tamal tamale
guineo plátano (fruta) banana
fana fanoso good-for-nothing/cheapskate
tienda *** bodega grocery store
* Also used in Camagüey Province
** "Pluma" and "llave" coexist in Camagüey Province.
*** In Havana, "tienda" with no modifier denotes a clothing store.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Another tree falls

Elvira Campello de Quevedo (Tia Cuca)
My gentle and kind aunt, (my father's sister) Tia Cuca, passed away in her sleep in Miami this morning, and yet another tree falls in the silent forest of the bitter exile of the Cuban Diaspora. 

She was born in the countryside, near the city of Guantanamo, in the Oriente province of Eastern Cuba, the fifth daughter (of six) of Galician immigrants to Cuba.

In the 1960s, Cuca and her family escaped Cuba (via Spain) and settled in Brooklyn, in the six apartment brownstone owned by her sister, my aunt Nica.

When I was a kid in Brooklyn, Tia Cuca lived in the apartment above ours in that house, and no matter when I'd pop into her apartment, she'd always sit me down at the table and would start feeding me - and she was one of the best cooks ever! There's no cook on this Universe who ever made a better black bean soup!

My Campello aunts in the 1950s - Tia Cuca is the second from the left in the top row
My Campello aunts in the 1950s - Tia Cuca is the second from the left in the top row.
I never saw her angry, and she had the most contagious laugh on the planet! Don't get me wrong, Tia Cuca was also tough as nails, but her toughness came in a brilliant and pliable form - she would bend, but never break, as the saying goes.

We will miss you, Tia.

Saturday, August 01, 2015


Now in its ninth year, the $50,000 Black Swan Prize has attracted a record 375 entries...
 Are you serious? Only 375 entries and that's a record for this Aussie prize? Details here... 

Why am I yapping about an Aussie prize? Because I am always dumbfounded by the low number of entries to most visual art prizes and opportunities - especially the "free" ones, such as the DC Arts Commission's various grants and buying calls...

Friday, July 31, 2015

Artists' Websites: Anne Cherubim

Anne Cherubim is an abstract contemporary landscape painter. She works predominantly in acrylic. Her art is rooted in real life images and textures, with a modern abstraction, often in a limited colour palette.
Her art is a reflection of contemporary art as portrayed by someone who is a product of a myriad of cultures: a Canadian girl, born of Sri Lankan parents, now residing in the US. 

This unique 'lense' through which she sees the world informs her work, undeniably. ‘Tolerance’ is the word we use to talk about being open to, and welcoming of, one another.  

Anne believes ‘embrace’ is a much better word for talking about cultures, and the ways in which we can coexist. Art and music transcend language - among other barriers- and create commonalities, harmony. They are universals that can be appreciated no matter where you come from, or what language you speak. 

This is the type of experience Cherubim hopes that her art allows for.
Though she has been an artist for many years, her professional pursuit of it began more recently.  
Anne has exhibited her work locally around the DMV and internationally. She currently resides with her husband and children in the USA, and is a Resident Artist at Artists & Makers Studios in Rockville, MD and later this year at the Affordable Art Fair in New York City.

Her work can be seen at: