The GoggleWorks Center for the Arts is a community art and cultural resource center for Berks County, Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania, and is the largest, most comprehensive interactive arts center of its kind in the country. The center is open daily, 11am-7pm, free of charge. The mission of GoggleWorks is "to nurture the arts, foster creativity, promote education and enrich the community." Free parking is available in the GoggleWorks parking lot, accessible from Second, Third or Walnut Streets. For more information, call the GoggleWorks at 610-374-4600 or visit 201 Washington St., Reading, PA, 19601 | GPS Address: 140 N. 3rd St., Reading, PA, 19601.
GoggleWorks Center for the Arts 2016 Juried Exhibition
Click here for more information and to complete the 2016 application.