Saturday, January 28, 2017

Art fairs that we're doing in 2017

  • Affordable Art Fair New York (Spring)
  • Scope Art Fair New York
  • Affordable Art Fair New York (Fall)
  • Chicago EXPO
  • Texas Contemporary (Houston)
  • Context Art Fair, Miami
  • Scope Art Fair Miami Beach

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Caissons Go Rolling Along...

US Army female soldiers meme kicking ass

Something about nuns

Not sure why, but over the years I just keep coming back to this subject... maybe it is all thanks to the sisters of Our Lady of Loreto School in Brooklyn... cough, cough

Elvis and Buster Keaton as Nuns, c. 2001 Charcoal and Conte on Paper By F. Lennox Campello
Elvis and Buster Keaton as Nuns, c. 2001 Charcoal and Conte on Paper By F. Lennox Campello
Two Cool Nuns, c. 2005 Charcoal and Conte on Paper By F. Lennox Campello

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards

The 2017 Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards application is now available!

The deadline to submit is Friday, April 7.

The prizes are:
Best in Show - $10,000
Second Place - $2,000
Third Place - $1,000
Young Artist (must be born after April 7, 1987 to enter this category) - $1,000

Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and permanent, full-time residents of Maryland, Virginia or Washington, D.C. All original 2-D and 3-D fine art including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, fiber art, digital, mixed media and video will be accepted. The jury will select up to 10 finalists for a group exhibition in Bethesda in September 2017.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Artomatic returns to Crystal City: Tour Spaces this Saturday

Artomatic returns to Crystal City for a 2017 signature event! Please join AOM for a site tour this Saturday, January 28th, from 11 am to 1 pm to get a peek at the spring home for Artomatic 2017.

Meet some of the people who make it happen and discover the many ways you can be part of the core volunteer team in building this unique event. 

While you are touring the building imagine the endless creative possibilities for the space and how you can help by contributing your talents!

Assemble in the lobby of 1800 South Bell St, Arlington VA. Come join us!

There is easy access to Artomatic with the Crystal City METRO Station, Yellow and Blue lines, as well as plenty of parking and bus stops nearby - plus a superb mix of restaurants and retail.

1800 South Bell St
Arlington VA

Saturday January 28th, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Registration details on how to exhibit work or perform at Artomatic will be available in mid February. Please subscribe to Artomatic by email or Facebook, and check the Artomatic website for updates.