Thursday, March 09, 2017

Wanna go to an opening this weekend?

AMY LIN: baby thoughts
March 11 - April 15, 2017
Opening reception for the artist: Saturday, March 11, 5-7pm
In this most recent exhibition at Addison/Ripley, Amy Lin focuses inward, taking the birth of her first child for a personal, pure and elemental examination that, nevertheless, remains stylistically tied to her familiar pointillist and cut paper techniques. The artist offers a view, in her words, through a baby's eyes, glimpses at first tiny and new which eventually evolve into sophisticated patterns and complex compositions. 
A new born child sees, at first, simply colors and shapes, makes associations with them, forms her world with them. In a very short time those same shapes and colors begin to differentiate and become associative. So too, Lin's art works, begun with basic marks and colors, are built up, layered and increasingly complex. While the artist's current work is certainly, by intent, childlike in its perusal of early human perception, it is also measured, careful, sophisticated and disciplined, presented, as in previous exhibitions, on pure, white fields of paper. Impeccably crafted and highly personal, these new works of Amy Lin seek to highlight the visual and intellectual spaces before we put words to them.
The artist is currently living and working in Washington, DC. She has had more than 13 solo exhibitions including ones in New York, Tokyo and Houston. She was featured in the recent book, "100 Artists of Washington, DC", by Lenny Campello.  Notably, she was the recipient of a John Anson Kittredge Grant and a Strauss Fellowship Grant. Residencies in Tokyo and Singapore have allowed the artist to interact with other art professionals and collectors in Asia and to refine and inform her work.
Pondering, Amy Lin 2016, mixed media, 14 x 14 inches

Please also come for coffee & conversation - Saturday, March 18th, 11am
Please join Addison/Ripley for the next in their ongoing series of artist conversations in the gallery, on Saturday, March 18th  from 11 to 1.  They are thrilled to welcome Dr. Anne Collins Goodyear, co-director of Bowdoin College Museum of Art and former Curator of Prints and Drawings at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution in conversation with artist Amy Lin.  Enjoy coffee, bagels and a guided, open ended discussion regarding work, technique and inspiration.

Please rsvp for this event: or 202.338.5180

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

18th Annual High School Student Art Exhibition

The Friends of The Yellow Barn Studio and Gallery's

18th Annual High School Student Art Exhibition

March 18 and 19, 2017

Saturday, 12 to 5PM and Sunday, 12 to 5PM

Reception Sunday, March 19 from 4:00 – 5:00pm

The Friends of the Yellow Barn Studio and Gallery is sponsoring an art competition for all high school sophomores, juniors and seniors from Montgomery County, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington DC. Click here for an application form.

The Friends of the Yellow Barn, with support from Plaza Artist Materials, will award a First Prize of $500, second prize of $250, and Third prize of $150. $25 gift certificates will also be awarded to the other 37 works selected for the exhibition. Selecting the work this year will be Lenny Campello, outstanding artist and arts promoter for the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area. Award ceremony and judge’s comments take place Sunday, March 19th from 4:00 – 5:00pm.

The Friends of the Yellow Barn is also pleased to recognize three Outstanding Teachers with a monetary prize of $250. This is our third year of enabling high school students to nominate and award their high school art teachers with a monetary prize of their own. Three outstanding art teachers will be acknowledged the night of the reception for their year round hard work in cultivating and inspiring young minds.

Snap Frida

My daughter Elise as Frida via Snapchat filter... cough, cough...

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this mutant trying to rip off artists!
From: Kenneth Freeman <>
Subject: Mail Inquiry....
Date: March 8, 2017 at 8:30:12 AM EST


My name Ken owner of KEN SHOP PLACE we hear about you through the internet and am very interested in some of your products. I have a shop in the Fiji Islands in this case are you authorized to ship out worldwide or accept private pick up by a freight forwarder.

Do you have a minimum order?
Do you accept credit card for prepayment on your terminal machine manually?
A price list if possible?

I await the requested information so that i can proceed with the ordering.

Kenneth Freeman

768 Avon Place
Fiji Islands
679 937 3421
 This is how the scam works and how to protect yourself... 

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

ARTundressed 2017 Call for Entries

Deadline: March 31, 2017

ARTundressed - They are accepting entries in the following categories:
Fine Art | Photography | Digital Art | Sculpture* | Mixed Media
Art Installation | Interactive Art Presentation | Artistic Short Film and Videos | Literary Art (Poetry, Short Story)
Registration / Submission for all other International Artists is FREE!!!
NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS ALLOWED: Each artist is allowed to submit up to 5 entries for consideration, with a possibility of 0 – 5 submission(s) to be selected by the jurors/curators of the art exhibition.
NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS ALLOWED: Each artist is allowed to submit up to 5 entries for consideration, with a possibility of 0 – 5 submission(s) to be selected by the jurors/curators of the art exhibition.
To put and end to FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is defined as "all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. FGM has no health benefits and is in fact very harmful to health in many ways.
Every year, over 3 million girls have their human rights and dignity violated, and their innocence brutally compromised by unwillingly being subjected to undergo a vicious and violent procedure that involves cutting their external genitalia off and stitching their womanhood. As graphic as this might sound, it is very common and real, and it's happening all over the world, including the United States where this ritual right of passage is in fact currently growing at an alarming rate.  We need to end this and protect babies and young girls from this devastating experience.
ARTundressed will be donating a portion of the event proceeds to fund organizations helping to eradicate such barbaric practices and also providing education and help to victims of FGM.
ARTundressed 2017 INCLUDES:

• Art Exhibition showcasing over 250 exceptional curated art pieces

• More than 100 artists representing many different countries
• An impressive collection of creative erogenous artworks rarely seen
• More than 80 participating artists are planning to attend this year's Exhibition
• Participation by local and international artists, performers, and Art Masters

• Live music and deejays, amazing shows and performances; Chic and Provocative Fashion
• Art Installations, Workshops, and Interactive Art Wall for audience participation
• Art contests for Body Painting; Live Drawing and Photoshoot Sessions

• Catering Services offering appetizing, delicious food, beverages, and cocktails
• The Closing Party: “the GOOD, the BAD, and the NAUGHTY” (Saturday night)

• And much more...

Monday, March 06, 2017

Jarrett Gregory is Newest Addition to Hirshhorn Curatorial Team

Jarrett Gregory Photo - byJonathan Urban
The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden announces the appointment of Jarrett Gregory as curator as of Monday, March 6. Serving under the leadership of Hirshhorn Director Melissa Chiu and Chief Curator Stéphane Aquin, Gregory will be responsible for the development of the museum's contemporary international collection as well as a rotating schedule of exhibitions, commissions and special programs.

"We are very pleased to welcome Jarrett as the Hirshhorn's newest curator," said Chiu. "Jarrett has organized exhibitions of some of the most consequential international artists working today, including Pierre Huyghe and Stephen Prina, and we look forward to the experience and expertise she will bring to the Hirshhorn as the national museum of contemporary art."

"This is an exciting moment for the Hirshhorn," said Aquin. "As the fourth curator to join the museum in the past two years, Jarrett will contribute to a diverse and dynamic group of individuals, all of whom play an integral role in shaping the cultural conversation in Washington, D.C. and beyond."

Gregory most recently served as Associate Curator of Contemporary Art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), where she oversaw LACMA's iteration of Pierre Hyughe's retrospective, awarded the Best Monographic Exhibition Nationally by the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). Previously, Gregory held curatorial positions at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, working on exhibitions of work by Lawrence Weiner, Urs Fisher and Dorothy Iannone. This year, Gregory curated the Focus section of the 2017 Armory show.

Gregory sits on advisory board for the Lusanga International Research Centre for Art and Economic Inequality (LIRCAEI) in Lusanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as on the advisory council for The Gogova Foundation and Artist Residency in Baku, Azerbaijan. Additionally, Gregory has guest lectured for USC and UCLA's MFA programs.

Ellyn on The Hill Rag

American Gentrifiers by Dana Ellyn
American Gentrifiers by Dana Ellyn
oil on canvas
DMV artist Dana Ellyn's painting, "American Gentrifiers", is on the March cover of the Hill Rag newspaper. The original painting is currently on exhibit (and still available!) at the HillCenter which has an opening reception this Wednesday March 8th 6-8pm.

Wanna meet the artists?
Before the show (from 4:30-6), you can find the artists at Mr. Henry's (601 Pennsylvania Ave SE) – join them for a few drinks.