Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Free Online webinar

A Free Online webinar that will teach you methods to find Patrons and Sponsors for your art. You will learn how one artist got Apple Computers and Bose Sound to sponsor art work and art projects and also how individual donors and Patrons can be solicited. There is also an option to extend your education in other areas. All those who register for the free webinar get a free booklet right away on how one artist got invited to the Whitney Biennial. No Entry Fee.  

Details: http://yourartmentor.com/patronsandsponsors2

Monday, June 19, 2017

Art Scam Alert!

Stay away from this mutant trying to rip off artists!
From: Squarespace <no-reply@squarespace.info>
Date: Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 12:45 PM
Subject: Form Submission - contact

Name: john davidson
Email Address: johndavidson5050@gmail.com
Message: Hello
Hope you are fine? Pardon my manners, i'm John Davidson from NC. You are doing a really great job in your artworks. I observed my wife has been
viewing your site on my laptop and i see she has an interest in your art piece
,well I was also amazed after seeing your various works too. I would love to receive further information about your piece of work and what actually inspires your imagination so vividly. Very much interested in purchasing a piece to surprise my wife. So kindly confirm the availability for immediate sales. Thanks and my best regards. John Davidson

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Call for proposals

Deadline September 1, 2017

The Fitton Center for Creative Arts is accepting proposals in all media for solo and group exhibitions for their 25th anniversary year, 2018-2019.  A community art center on the Great Miami River in arts-driven downtown Hamilton, Ohio, the Fitton Center provides experiences in the arts through exhibitions, classes, performances and other events.  Four galleries provide 2,600 square feet of space.  Solo artists generally are asked to exhibit 10 – 30 works, depending on scale, media and available space.  They also offer group shows of existing guilds or alliances and to individuals willing to be selected into a curated group. 

For full requirements, please contact Cathy Mayhugh, cathy@fittoncenter.org or visit www.fittoncenter.org , click on Exhibitions and download the Solo/Group Show Proposal Form.  101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton OH 45011, (513) 863-8873 ext. 122. 

Chesapeake Gallery Call for Entries 2018-2020

Deadline: August 15th, 2017

The Chesapeake Gallery at Harford Community College, located in Bel Air, MD, is inviting artists, artist groups and curators working in any medium or format to apply for their 2018-2020 exhibition seasons! Artists and/or curators are responsible for the transportation or shipping of all artwork to and from the Chesapeake Gallery.

There is no application fee or commission on sold work.

Please visit the website below for more details on how to apply!

www.harford.edu/chesapeakegallery.aspx (OR) Google Search: Harford Community Chesapeake Gallery; E-mail questions to Brad Blair: bblair@harford.edu