Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Happy Birthday Andrew Wyeth

The USPS celebrated what would have been Andrew Wyeth’s 100th birthday today on 12 Forever stamps depicting samples of his iconic work. His son and acclaimed artist Jamie Wyeth helped dedicate the stamps at the Brandywine River Museum of Art in Wyeth’s hometown of Chadds Ford, PA.

There are some really cool images in this set of stamps, and I suspect that everyone will love“Christina’s World.”  The painting was inspired by Christina Olson, a disabled neighbor in Maine, and remains a rich and enigmatic work that inspired decades of interpretation. The Museum of Modern Art in New York City purchased the painting in 1948. Today, “Christina’s World” is one of the iconic works of 20th-century American art. From the sale of “Christina’s World” to the sensational “Helga pictures” unveiled in the 1980s, Wyeth captured the imagination of the American public and established himself as one of the most prominent American artists of the 20th century.  

#WyethStamps  #MyBrandywine

Hawaii Museum's Goddess of the Sea Sculpture Beheaded

The Pacific Tsunami Museum in Hilo is asking for the public’s help with finding missing parts from a beloved sculpture at the corner of Kamehameha Avenue and Kalakaua Street.
The original work of art belonging to the museum was damaged during the weekend of June 24.
The sculpture depicted Hawaiian goddess of the sea Namakaokahai, elder sister of fire goddess Pele, riding a sea turtle. The heads of Namakaokahai and the turtle were removed from the sculpture.
“That’s the thing that we thought was so strange,” said Marlene Murray, the museum’s executive director. “They didn’t just bash the head off. They took it with them.”
Read the whole strange article here. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Studio B July Exhibition

7475 Wisconsin Avenue,
Lower Level, Bethesda, MD 20814

Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 3-7pm & by appointment
Opening Reception: Friday, July 14, 6-8pm

Located in the lower level of 7475 Wisconsin Avenue, the studio is home to artists Linda Button, Judy Gilbert Levey, Steve Hay and Shanthi Chandrasekar. Each artist creates, showcases and sells their work onsite.

July's exhibition features the Red Dot series by Shanthi Chandrasekar. Regarding the series, Chandrasekar says, "Not long ago I had a dream that filled me with the promise of great joy and limitless possibility, a feeling that unfortunately faded much too quickly upon waking. I was left with nothing more than the memory of a series of red dots arranged purposefully on a white background, an image I found I could not get out of my head. Did the dots represent the pottu or bindi on an Indian woman's forehead? Were they the dots in the kolam? Were they symbolic of the sun? Or did they denote some other energy source?"

Monday, July 10, 2017

Wanna go to an opening?

3901 Rhode Island Ave., Brentwood, MD 20722
(Second Floor, 39th Street entrance)

Artist Reception July 22, from 6 - 8 PM
"She fell into a dream, twenty years into the past, into the face that was not hers for so many years, into the face that vanished when death arrived. She woke up to a mix of unfamiliar faces resembling the one that was never there. Now she stands up twisted looking at herself, in her so many forms."  Juliana Vallejo
Juliana Vallejo is a Columbian artist residing in the Washington Metropolitan area. She received her B.A. in Studio Art from the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Her main focus has been painting and drawing, although she is continually experimenting with new media that allow her own language and convey her buried thoughts.

In The Corridor Gallery and Summer A.I.R. Kyujin Lee

Born in Seoul, South Korea, in 1972, Kyujin Lee received her MFA from the City College of the City University of New York in 1997 and her MA from the Teacher College, Columbia University in 2000. Since the fall 2001, she has been living, working, and teaching art in Washington, DC.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Our View From Here

Linn Meyer's wonderful wall drawing/show at the Hirshhorn, Our View From Here closes on August 13!  

Our View From Here, Linn Meyers, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC
Our View From Here, Linn Meyers, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC
Photo by Cathy Carver
After that date, the drawing will be painted over and the piece will vanish.  If you haven't yet seen it, I hope you will visit the Hirshhorn before the exhibition is over.  

There have been several articles written about the show. If you're curious to read more, check out: Smithsonian Magazine, The Washington TimesHyperallergicThe Washington Post, and Bmore Art.  

More information on the exhibit can be found on the museum's website here.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Heading to Halifax, Nova Scotia to install, and then attend a party for a giant commission that was delivered about a month ago...

Since I'm there already, will stay a few days - anyone have any tips as to what to do and see?

Friday, July 07, 2017

Harry Potter, the NSO, and Wolftrap

We have three Wolftrap stadium seats tickets to the sold out HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S STONE™ - IN CONCERT NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA with EMIL DE COU,  conducting at Wolftrap for tomorrow evening (Saturday) and now can't go.... anybody interested in buying them from me? 

Details here: