Friday, September 01, 2017

Huge FB Art Scam Alert

Huge scam going around. They've been hitting DMV area artists on FB. 

They send a friend request from a fellow artist you know. Then they tell you that they just received a huge check from the Art & Humanities or Arts Endowment and that hey saw your name on thesame  list so you had better contact them.

Report them to FB immediately.


Alida on Tatooine, c. 2017 by F. Lennox Campello
Alida on Tatooine, c. 2017 by F. Lennox Campello

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Save this date

5:30–7 PM at AU's Katzen Arts Center
Free Parking is American University's salon-style conversation series in the Alper Initiative - and this date features my good bud curator (and artist and critic) John Anderson (no relation) in conversation with artists and friends of the Jefferson Place Gallery—Washington’s premiere contemporary art space opened by artists in 1957—including newly minted facts and revived fictions. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Opportunity for artists

Deadline: September 16, 2017

The Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society of Washington, D.C. announces a call to artists for a juried art exhibition, November 19, 2017 - January 6, 2018 at The Mansion at Strathmore in North Bethesda, MD. 

Approximately $7,000 in awards. Juror: Thomas Hipschen. 

Original works in any traditional media, prints from original plates, sculptures. Crafts and art works produced by photographic, giclee, laser or digital techniques NOT accepted. 

Overall area of image must not exceed 25 sq. inches (156 sq cm). Outside dimension of frame must not exceed 56 sq. inches (360 sq. cm). Sculpture may not exceed 6 inches (15 cm) in any direction including the base. 

Entry fees vary (See prospectus). More info (PDF), go to: Contact: or or call 301-977-2190 or 301-987-6779.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Art critiques

I am happy to announce that Strathmore will be offering artist critiques this fall as part of their visual arts programming! 

For artists who miss being enrolled in a formal art degree program, this is an invaluable opportunity to present your art for constructive evaluation. Find out what viewers with a trained artist's eye see in your work.

Upcoming sessions:
Fri, Sept 15, with Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator of the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center

Fri, Oct 20, with Lulu Delacre, award-winning children’s picture book illustrator and fine artist

Each session is $40.

What's missing from this program (so far) and nearly always missing from the academic versions of these critiques? The trained eye of a well-traveled gallerist who can add the commodity angle to art critiques - I've already contacted Strathmore and suggested that in the future they add a DMV area commercial gallerist who had plenty of experience doing art fairs all over the planet.
5301 Tuckerman Lane
North Bethesda, MD 20852-3385

(301) 581-5100 ticket office/customer service phone
(301) 581-5108 tea reservations
(301) 581-5200 administration phone

Volunteers needed!!!


A multifaceted festival embracing arts and culture. This event is located on 4 th St. and M Sts. SW near the Waterfront metro. There will be live music performances, DC’s biggest dance party, headliner concert, interactive artwork, food trucks, farmer’s market, non-profit and embassy row and much more...We need volunteers who can assist staff with the interactive art, children’s events, setup/breakdown, distributing event brochures, giving directions to all of the activities and welcoming guests to one of the best events DC has to offer. We need volunteers as early as 7:30am til 10:30pm in 4 hour shifts. For more information or to reserve your schedule, please call Alison Henderson at 301-706-6719 or email