Thursday, March 08, 2018

Stolen Norman Rockwell!

Norman Rockwell, A study for Willie Gillis in College, 1946, oil on board, 29 x 27 cm.
Norman Rockwell, A study for Willie Gillis in College, 1946, oil on board, 29 x 27 cm.
Art Recovery International is searching for Norman Rockwell's A study for Willie Gillis in College, 1946. If you have seen, been offered, or have any information as to its whereabouts, please contact:

Christopher A. Marinello
Italy mobile: +39 329 693 2606
UK mobile:  + 44 (0) 7702 206 913

All communication will be kept strictly confidential.

Details: This is the original study done by Norman Rockwell for the final painting which appeared on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post on 5 October, 1946. The final version is slightly different (painted on canvas) and was owned by the Washington Mutual Bank of Seattle. This version, painted on board, was reported stolen between 1-2 April 2003 in Atherton, California during a chaotic family move.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Judith Peck at Penn College!

Hope and History
The Gallery at Penn College
One College Avenue
Williamsport, PA 17701-5799

Reception: March 15th 2018 4:30-6:30
March 13 - April 18, 2018
For further information please email Judith at or visit  or

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Monday, March 05, 2018

Campellos at auctions

These three vintage drawings and lithos of mine just showed up at an auction house in Charlottesville! They are all starting at really low bids! See them here!

Eve, Running Away from Eden - 1987 charcoal drawing by F. Lennox Campello
Eve, Running Away from Eden

Mermaid (The Deep)

Mermaid (The Deep)

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Opportunity for artists and curators

The Brentwood Arts Exchange is seeking proposals from artists and curators to present exhibitions for available dates November 2018 - December 2020. 

Solo and group exhibitions are welcome. 

We support art in all media and forms. Proposals may be for the Main Gallery, the soon-to-open Lab Gallery, or both. Proposals will also be considered inclusion in exhibitions curated in-house. The Deadline is April 14, 2018. Full information and the application is online at

Friday, March 02, 2018

Frida with Cuba

Out of nowhere I get an email from a collector in Spain who happens to be the son of a man who bought the below piece from me back in the 1980s. He wanted confirmation that this was indeed my work, as it is being offered for auction in the near future.

"Frida with Cuba" was done by me in 1978 as part of a freshman or sophomore painting class at the University of Washington School of Art, which I attended courtesy of a scholarship from 1977-1981. It was part of my infatuation with the Kahlomeister, who back in the late 70s was essentially still known as Diego Rivera's wife.

I suspect that at the time, most of my UDub art professors (Jacob Lawrence, Alden Mason, Norm Lundin, Frances Calentano, and others) had no idea who Kahlo was, much less why I painted her (sort of comic book style) holding the island of Cuba.

I sold this painting at the Pike Place Market, where from 1978-1981 I sold almost every single art school assignment ever finished by me... once it was graded - it was up for sale... This piece probably went for around $25 at the time.

Kahlo (unfortunately) like most of the intelligentsia of her times, was a naive Communist, sort of a champagne Communist if you will, and even though she died several years before the Castro brothers began to brutalize Cuba under the yoke of Communism, I suspect that had she lived to an older age, she would have been a fan of the Castro's oppressive regime, and thus my painting.

Frida Kahlo and Cuba - 20x16 inches. Oil on Paper, c. 1978 by F. Lennox Campello
"Frida Kahlo and Cuba"
20x16 inches. Oil on Paper, c. 1978 by F. Lennox Campello

#fridakahlo #universityofwashington

A wind day?

Everything is closed in the DMV because of wind... I almost started to make fun of that and then I opened my front door!

And then I went to the backyard and the trees were doing this!