Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Free After-Hours Fall Celebration at Torpedo Factory Art Center this Friday

Folklore and Fall Celebrations at Torpedo Factory Art Center
Live Mural Painting, Artist Receptions, Hands-On Art Making and More

The Late Shift: Folklore
Friday, October 12
7 – 10 pm

October 4, 2018 – Alexandria, Va. – The Torpedo Factory Art Center stays open late on Friday, October 12, for the next Late Shift event. Folklore is an early-fall celebration of stories, traditions, and fall. Festivities run 7 – 10 pm.

Artist Receptions

·         In Target Gallery, there will be a special reception for Juxtaposed. The exhibition focuses on the contradictory and conflicting. Artist talks begin at 8 pm.

·         There is also an artists’ reception in the New Project Studio for Connecting the Dots 2

·         Fall post-grad resident Kelly Johnston welcomes visitors as she moves into Studio 319.

Paint Jam on the Waterfront

·         Curated by New Project Studio artists Shani Shih and Michelle Chen, regional artists come together to create original murals that will be donated to a number of Alexandria-based nonprofits and social-service organizations.
o    MasPaz
o    Monolith
o    Jah-One
o    Jamilla Okubo
o    Gean Martinez
o    FAME
o    Michelle Chen
o    Shani Shih

Interactive Projects

·         The Omi Collective transforms the North Hall of the Art Center into a lounge featuring two participatory art projects. Nicole Wandera leads kids from the Dunbar Alexandria-Olympic Boys & Girls Club on a work that will be donated to the club at the end of the night.

·         Healing the Body leads a project with visitor that is dedicated to promoting painting as a mental wellness tool.
·         Pop-up performances with Through the 4th Wall give visitors a peek at their new musical, 19, a story about women gaining the right to vote.  

Find new art throughout the building. Torpedo Row features artists from across the DMV. Resident artists on all three floors keep their doors open into the evening.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Ms. Marvel

Sunday, September 30, 2018

A photographer is suing Netflix

A storm could be brewing for Netflix, as a Montana photographer Sean R. Heavey has filed suit against the streaming giant, alleging that it stole his image of a cloud formation without payment or permission.  
Read all about it here. 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Jeff Koons was accused of plagiarizing

The creative director behind a 1985 advertising campaign for French fashion brand Naf Naf is suing Jeff Koons for allegedly plagiarizing one of the ads to make his sculpture Fait D’Hiver (1988
Read about it here

Friday, September 28, 2018


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Inigo and the man in black meet

“You seem a decent fellow," Inigo said. "I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow," answered the man in black. "I hate to die.” 

― William Goldman, The Princess Bride