Saturday, April 25, 2020

Wear a mask!

Please show respect to our essential workers every day during this Coronavirulization of the planet pandemic by wearing a mask!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Call for photographers

Deadline: May 31, 2020 

The California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco has launched a grant for emerging photographers, aged 18-25, to support the creation of photographic images around the themes of conservation, science and sustainability of the natural world. They are looking for proposals for multi-media Projects around the theme of conservation, science and sustainability of the natural world. 

No Entry Fee. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Explore a Post-Pandemic District or Connect with Local Artists on Facebook

Check out this great little blurb by Lou Jacobson in the Washington City Paper about what artists are doing online during the Covidian Age and its associated Coronavirulization of Art!

Read it here!

Art I am looking at every day - COVID19

That DMV area jewel known as Judith Olivia Heartsong has created a very cool Facebook page for everyone to share some of the artwork that is helping them to survive the quarantine of the Covidian Age.

See it here.

I've been posting including...

I generally do not hang much of my own work in my house - this piece is one of the exceptions: It is a rather large Frida Kahlo portrait collage done in 1979 at a collage class by Prof. Jacob Lawrence when I was a student at the University of Washington School of Art. I used it both for the collage class and for a portrait class project... I used paper from art magazines of that year, and the pieces all have clues about Frida's life and impact... she wasn't as well-known back then...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this scammer:
From: james anderson --
Hi, I'm  James from PA I noticed my wife viewed your website on my laptop and i guess he likes your piece of work. I'm also amazed to have seen your nice works too. I would like to purchase the piece attached as a surprise for my wife on our Anniversary, is the piece available and what is the final price? Thanks and best regards

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Corona Portrait Project

The Corona Portrait Project invites submissions of self-portraits created in response to the current pandemic. Accepted entries will be exhibited online and select entries will be featured. 

Submissions accepted on a rolling basis, do not wait to submit. See website for submission instructions. 

No Entry Fee. 

Details here.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

City of Alexandra: Step up!!!

The City of Alexandria, Virginia owns the Torpedo Factory building - one of the greatest art jewels of the United States. In these strange times, this is what one of the artists who rents a studio in that building notes:
Its a surprising to me that the hasn't waived rent for the artists at the Torpedo Factory. Actually, it disgusts me. I mean, I get it, it now runs on tax dollars and our rent but what is the Office Of The Arts (no facebook page, weird but unsurprising) going to do when they are faced with several empty studios come the end of this bc artists are struggling and don't want to face owing the city thousands of dollars? The city said they would waive rent for now but we'd have to pay it back, but they will work with us on a payment plan. No fucking way, I'm already struggling, not going into hock to a tyrannical government. "We're from the government and we're here to help."
The city really hasn't been very effective. There was one studio empty for months bc they couldn't fill it, another that is rented but the artist is never there, never. I know of at least 2 studios that will be empty soon, before this mess. Under the watch of the Torpedo Factory Artists' Association that never happened. Never. Ever. Maybe the city needs to reconsider allowing a thriving artist association to manage the studios again, or at the very least, allow our 2019 artists to sublet and be eligible for studios. After all, they went thru the same blind jury process that's been in place for 45 years and created the center that is today so beloved. Weird, right, that the city would draw such an arbitrary line, especially when they can't fill studios on a slow day. It sure will be interesting to see how this unfolds....