Friday, May 28, 2021

At the Pike Place Market in Seattle

Lenny Campello at the Pike Place Market circa 1980
Lenny Campello at the Pike Place Market circa 1980

As I've noted here before countless times, almost everything I know about presenting, selling and discussing art I learned at the Pike Place Market in Seattle, where I sold my art school assignments and other work while I was an art student at the University of Washington.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Unicorn Mare and Foal

Just out of the blue a nice collector from West Seattle sends me a nice note with a couple of images... she acquired this hand-colored print at an antique shop in Tacoma.

"Unicorn Mare and Foal" is part of a series of fantasy drawings and prints that I did while I was at the University of Washington School of Art for illustration class and for a private limited edition of a book that a friend of a friend was printing.

All of these were sold at the Pike Place Market.

Unicorn Mare and Foal - 1979 by F. Lennox Campello
Unicorn Mare and Foal - 1979 by F. Lennox Campello

Unicorn Mare and Foal - 1979 by F. Lennox Campello

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cicada Nation

Cicada meme


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cicada Nation


Cicada meme

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Cicada Invasion has begun!

 The 2021 Brood X invasion has begun!

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

2021 Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Thursday, May 13, 2021

More prep sketches


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Preparatory sketch


Preparatory sketch for SLEEP IS THE COUSIN OF DEATH

Preparatory sketch for SLEEP IS THE COUSIN OF DEATH