Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Young Warhol


Young Warhol - 2021 Charcoal on Bisque by F. Lennox Campello
Young Warhol
2021 Charcoal on Bisque by F. Lennox Campello

Young Warhol - 2021 Charcoal on Bisque by F. Lennox Campello

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

The greatest generation

80 years ago the United States was attacked by the Empire of Japan and subsequently 16 and a half million men and women responded to the evil brutalizing Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia and responded with the full might of the American people.

I salute the greatest generation.

Monday, December 06, 2021

All I said...

As some of you know, I used to do a lot of cartoons while I was in the Navy... some were published in base newspapers,  Navy magazines,  Stars & Stripes, etc. I gave most of them away over the years... here's another one of the fabled Seaman Schmuckatelli - This one was "Seaman Schmuckatelli... all I said..."

Seaman Schmuckatelli... all I said... - A 1983 Navy cartoon by Lenny Campello
Seaman Schmuckatelli... all I said...
1983 Navy cartoon by Lenny Campello

Sunday, December 05, 2021

Scope Art Fair: The Last Day

 As much fun as art fairs are during ABMB week, unless you're one of those galleries who hire professional crews to unpack and hang, and then to pack at the end of the day on Sunday, then the last day of the fair is brutal.

For some odd reason, the people who run Scope thought that it was a good idea to end the fair at 8PM on Sunday - rather than the usual 5PM.

More on the end later...

Today artist Tony Porto was an instant social hit because of the snug T-shirt that he was wearing - a big hit! It was as if the T-shirt gave him superhuman powers among the social waves and waves of beautiful people and influencers.

Chicago-based artist Tony Porto as a social media superstar at SCOPE Miami Beach 2021
Chicago-based artist Tony Porto as a social media superstar at SCOPE Miami Beach 2021

Chicago-based artist Tony Porto as a social media superstar at SCOPE Miami Beach 2021

Chicago-based artist Tony Porto as a social media superstar at SCOPE Miami Beach 2021

You can read his snuggly T-Shirt...

The crowds were once again present on Scope's last day and we were excited to make several good sales, with a few drawings and one painting finding new owners and new walls to hang at!

Florencio Lennox Campello at SCOPE Art Miami Beach 2021

As the fair closed, the frenzied process of tired gallerists and dealers and their assistants (and the lucky ones with hired crews) begin the process of tearing down exhibits, bubble-wrapping work to be delivered to new owners or shipped back to galleries, or perhaps to the next fair, and figuring out their next step.

Point of order: every art fair, no matter how good, always has a number of dealers that do very well, some that break even, and many who lose money -- every fair.

This year I noticed that Scope had "opened" the fair to individual artists.  While I understand that the post-Covidian world and inflation woes often make economic decisions... but a fair which starts as a "galleries only" fair and then (as not enough gallery applications are received) opens the process to individual artists, so that in the end dealers and galleries are mixed with individual artists is an "issue".

With the notable exception of DC's only art fair a few years ago -- (e)merge, which was designed from the start to couple art dealers with unrepresented artists, the mixture of individual artists and art galleries at the same fair seldom succeeds. This is generally due to the spectacular lack of business acumen and selling experience that most artists have (not all), and the disastrous "discounting" orgies that happen on Sundays when artists realize that the fair is almost over and they haven't sold squat.

My heart broke when I noticed that the Turkish gallery across the hall (which had a professional crew do all the work), had unstretched all the huge canvasses that they had exhibited (none sold) and had put several thousand dollars of custom made and gorgeous stretcher bars on the side marked as THRASH.

I walked around the fair finding Miami galleries to see if they wanted them or knew of any artists who could use them... what a waste.

Meanwhile Mike Janis directed the complex re-packing of glass work, while Terry and Tony did the van dance of coming onto the grounds; then the carrying of the packed art and loading back onto the van for the long trek back home.

Another year done.

Saturday, December 04, 2021

ArtBasel Week: Scope - The Saturday report (influencers)

The spectacular growth industry known as "influencer" is very evident in the 2021 version of Art Basel week.  Influencers handing out cards, dressed to be noticed and asking to be photographer, Instagrammed and referenced... as well as the "make sure that you follow me...."

Today's crowds were by far the largest, most eclectic and flowing - not sure how sales are going on. All throughout the fair, people have been admiring and taking hundreds of photographs of  Tony Porto & Mike Janis' collaborative work and of Tim Tate's infinity mirror "Gay Batman" piece, and and myriads of gallery cards have been handed out to the "we'll be back" crowd. Seldom does that happen... The fairs are big and overwhelming... You either get the work when you see it, or forget it...

SCOPE Art fair MB 2021 crowds

And lots of beautiful people...

The Bisque wall continues to sell well throughout the day and in the early evening a very well-known artist from California approaches me (together with her "team") and acquires "Sleep is the Cousin of Death."  The work has to return to the DMV and then be shipped... but hey!

Sleep is the Cousin of Death - detail - 2021 painting by Campello at SCOPE MB 2021
Sleep is the Cousin of Death - detail - 

Friday, December 03, 2021

Art Basel Day Five: The Weekend Begins

It's Friday! By 11AM we're on duty and people begin to flow to SCOPE.  I am always entertained by "art fair people." They are as much an integral and positive and creative part of the art scene in Miami as the art itself.

Here are some that I captured in some cool photos...

I was particularly struck by how this spectacular beauty resembled an Elfin Queen and arranged for a couple of quick poses as she agreed to pose in exchange for a portrait of her as an Elfin Queen.

Elfin Queen of SCOPE 2021

By late noon, Michael Janis and Tony Porto begin to work a deal with a very young curator of a major United Arab Emirates-based company.  The email image exchanges begin - let's see how the deal pans out!

I've continued to sell my Bisque drawings well... there's only a handful left on the wall.

By the late afternoon my first major sale occurs, when a local doctor acquires a large painting on paper on the thematic theme of the Superhero-curated booth - this piece is staying in Miami.

The Day that Supergirl decided to show the world her tattooes by CAMPELLO at SCOPE Art Basel 2021
The Day that Supergirl decided to show the world her tattooes
Mixed Media Painting on 600 weight paper,36x36 inches, c. 2021

Later on some very nice collectors from Fredicksburg show up and buy half a dozen prints from the 1980s when I was in Art School at the University of Washington - they also fill my bucket with their smiles and appreciation for art.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Art Basel Day 4: The Thursday report

In a typical Miami sort of way, today was essentially characterized by a lots of young women as slim as rifles (and just as dangerous), and men of all ages in impossibly tight high-water pants with no socks taking a lot of selfies in front of artwork.

In a previous review of ABMB a decade or so ago, I wrote the below... and little has changed:

Once the VIP pre-opening parties were finished and the elegant crowds, booze and small food ceased to circulate, and tightly-dressed women in lethal-looking six inch heels finished their improbable art fair strolls with plastic wine glasses in their manicured hands, and handsome young men in slim suits and nerdy black glasses used their cell-phones to photograph the artwork, while third generation blue-eyed Cuban-American girls, four or five inches taller and 25 pounds lighter than their political refugee grandmothers, and slim as rifles, finished shooting selfies in front of the artwork...

Working the art fair is brutal work for the galleries and dealers - on your feet all day and floating in that rarified world where you never know if the person that you're talking to is just another nice guy or the planet's third largest art collector.

It is also great fun for people watching, where often the person becomes the artwork itself...

The day went fairly fast, with visits from a DMV museum director (who purchased one of my Bisque drawings!), the very talented Sondra Arkin, gallerist Corey Hampsom from Habatat Galleries, and the very talented Zanni.

Zanni looking at a Tim Tate
Zanni looking at a Tim Tate piece

At art fairs you meat all kinds of gifted people from all sorts of mankind's talent pools - one such super talented human being is a young rapper named F.O.E. YoungHustla who just released a record which I suspect will be noticed and should be noticed - part of that is the spectacular and gritty design of the release.

F.O.E. YoungHustla

Talent rises to the top in spite of all obstacles -- Expect big things from this young and rising star - he needs a good promoter...

After the fair closed at 8PM, we hustled (pun intended) to dinner, as tonight there are extended hours till 11PM, and ran once again into Akemi Maegawa at the nice Thai restaurant on Washington Street where we all met by chance.

Tony Porto, Akemi Maegawa, Lenny Campello and Michael Janis, Miami Beach 2021
Tony Porto, Lenny Campello, Akemi Maegawa, and Michael Janis

Mike Janis and I then hobbled back to the SCOPE Art Fair to see what the extended hours were all about... once we got there, we discovered that it was essentially a party, and since both Mike and I are past our sell-by date for that, we strolled in and strolled right back out to our beds... but not before Mike snatched two pink flamingo inflatable drink holders... cough... cough...