Thursday, March 23, 2023

"Sleep is the cousin of death" staying in New York

Ice broken in day two at the Affordable Art Fair New York City as "Sleep is the cousin of death" is gonna stay in NYC!

Sleep is the cousin of death

This Dora Patin trompe l'oeil is not coming back! Staying in a private collection in Connecticut! Sold at the Affordable Art Fair New York City!

Dora Patin

Opening night last night

Opening VIP night was last night,  and the Metropolitan Pavilion was packed for the Affordable Art Fair New York City ! Over 2300 visitors! Four works by Tim Tate, three trompe l'oeil paintings by Dora Patin and nearly a dozen drawings on Bisque sold! The best place for art is on someone else's walls!

Tim Tate Self Portrait

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Booth is ready!

 Booth D10 at the Affordable Art Fair NYC! After 8 long hours!

Alida Anderson Art Projects booth at Spring 2023 Affordable Art Fair NYC

Line outside the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea waiting to get in to the Affordable Art Fair New York City - VIP opening reception tonight!

Line outside the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea waiting to get in to the Affordable Art Fair New York City

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

On the road again...

Van is packed! Headed to New York for the Affordable Art Fair!

Sunday, March 19, 2023


The below post was originally published about 20 years ago... but it is still very pertinent and funny!

A while back I made some comments on the subject of galleryphobia. Other similar experiences by other gallerists soon followed.

Today, as I sit in the gallery, and observe that Bethesda Plaza is once again packed with people awaiting to be called to the Original Pancake House, and yet only a few brave souls dare to enter the gallery, while dozens float back and forth attempting to view the entire exhibition through the glass walls, I am reminded of another gallery phenomenom: Bin Magnetism, also sometimes called Print Rack Magnetism.

I've not only observed Bin Magnetism evidenced at our two galleries, but also at every single gallery that I've visited that has a floor bin (or print rack) loaded with shrink wrapped matted two dimensional work.

You know the kind; nearly every gallery has one (they usually look like 
this)- loaded with art work that can be purchased and (usually) taken away immediately - as opposed to the month-long permanence of the scheduled exhibitions on the walls.

Anyway, what I have observed is that there exists a phase two to galleryphobia.

Once the galleryphobia-afflicted person has received enough counseling and encouragement, and then (after a deep breath), dares to actually enter the art gallery, he or she is often immediately and irresistibly attracted by some invisible and powerful force directly to the art bin, much like a stranded swimmer making his way to a floating log in the middle of the ocean.

This is phase two of galleryphobia, hereafter referred to as Bin Magnetism.

And if the gallery happens to have more than one floor bin, then the person usually contracts a more severe and acute case of Bin Magnetism and then makes his way from art bin to art bin, as if swimming from one safe spot to another. Sometimes they work their way around the gallery that way, breathlessly going through the shrinkwrapped artwork, eyes locked onto those pieces, avoiding any eye contact with anyone else, and unfortunately often not even looking up at the exhibition actually hung on the walls before they make their way out of the gallery.

The Bin Magnetized victim can often be rescued and cured by approaching them, smiling at them and starting a light conversation. Once they get over their startled look at discovering that the gallerist is (sometimes) a human being capable of speech, the disease if usually cured on the spot.

In rare ocassions, the Bin Magnetized victim will be allergic to this proven cure and react by either fainting or running away at an Olympic clip.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

A Conversation with art collectors

Audiences for Art: A Conversation with Private Art Collectors is Monday, March 20 2023, 7- 8:30 pm. Brought to all of us by the Washington Sculptors Group.

Join lifetime art collectors – Juanita and Mel Hardy, Beverly and Chris With, and Joan Weber in a conversation about their approaches to collecting art for their homes and personal lives. The conversation will be held on Monday, March 20th, 7-8:30 PM.

This is a conversation about what’s called “private” collecting, personal work for someone’s home. Frequently, sculpture for personal collections is small in scale but may include larger works. 

Why do people collect art? What motivated them to start? To continue collecting? How to they find the work they acquire? How do they decide what they’re willing to spend for a work?  How do couples who collect make their decisions? 

Join longtime collectors, Juanita and Mel Hardy, business people who focus on work by African-American artists, co-founders of the Millenium Arts Salon; Chris and Beverly With, formerly with National Gallery of Art, currently Board Chair and Program Chair of the Washington Print Club; and business person Joan Weber – who will answer some of these questions and many more. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Campello at auction

Super cheap starting bid of $100 and the auction at Bakker Auctions in Provincetown ends tomorrow. Bid for it here.