Thursday, December 26, 2024

This week's update for the Women Artists of the DMV show

Here's another updated list of the DMV area female artists who have agreed to participate so far in the 2025 "Women Artists of the DMV" survey show! 

Loads more to come as I await confirmations! I am also still having trouble reaching some artists that I'd like to invite to the show... so far my emails have either been suffering from spam folderitis or just being ghosted... 

I am also somewhat surprised how difficult it is to find some artists' contact information... and soooooo.... if anyone knows the following artists, please tell them to email me: 

Marian Van Landingham, Iona Rozeal Brown (now known as Rozeal), Lillian Burwell, Danni Dawson, Zoë Charlton, Sylvia Snowden, Margo Humphrey, Hadieh Shafie, etc.

Before I forget: If I've invited you to the show and you've agreed to participate, but you're not listed below, please email me ( and let me know... or if I've misspelled your name :-) 

And the "in the show" list so far...

Shiri Achu 

Maremi Andreozzi 

Erin Antognoli

Sondra N. Arkin

Michele Banks 

Marilyn Banner 

Suzi Balamaci 

Kate Barfield 

Jennifer Barlow 

Denée Barr 

Holly Bass

Jennifer Lynn Beaudet 

Julia Bloom 

Lori Boocks 

Margaret Boozer 

Laurie Breen

Lisa Brotman 

Dianne Bugash 

Shante Bullock

Melissa Burley 

Judy Byron 

Rachel Carren 

Elizabeth Casqueiro 

Mei Mei Chang

Anne Cherubim

Shanthi Chandrasekar 

Hsin-Hsi Chen 

Irene Clouthier 

Amanda Coelho

Ellen Cornett 

Kathy Cornwell

Rosemary Feit Covey 

Sheila Crider 

Andrea Cybyk 

Jenny Freestone 

Andrea Cullins 

Joan Danziger 

Anna U. Davis 

Jenny Davis 

Tanya Davis 

Patricia de Poel Wilberg

Wendy Donahoe

Margaret Dowell

Mary Early 

Bria Edwards

Cheryl Edwards

Dana Ellyn 

Hyunsuk Erickson 

Cynthia Farrell Johnson 

Felisa Federman Cogut 

Cianne Fragione

Helen Frederick 

Genie Ghim 

Susan Goldman

Carol Brown Goldberg 

Margery Goldberg

Janis Goodman 

Freya Grand 

Graciela Granek 

Josephine Haden 

Debra Halprin 

Elyse Harrison

Muriel Hasbun 

Rania Hassan 

Mira Hecht 

Francie Hester 

Ellen Hill 

Leslie Holt

Michal Hunter 

Melissa Ichiuji 

Selena Jackson 

Martha Jackson Jarvis  

Barbara Januszkiewicz 

M. Jane Johnson 

Jessica Kallista 

Jenny Kanzler

Maria Karametou

Lori Katz 

Sally Kauffman

Zofie King 

Kate Kretz 

Bridget Sue Lambert

Susan LaMont 

Linda Lawler 

Ngoc Le

Kyujin Lee 

Harriet Lesser 

Shelley Lowenstein 

Carol Levin 

Taina Litwak 

Dalya Luttwak 

Kara Lin 

June Linowitz 

Shelley Lowenstein

Laurel Lukaszewski 

Caroline MacKinnon

Akemi Maegawa 

Susan Makara

Joey Mánlapaz 

Katherine Mann

Isabel Manalo

Anne Marchand 

Isabella Martire 

Lucinda Marshall 

Amy Marx 

J.J. McCracken

Donna McCullough 

Anne Meagher-Cook  

Maggie Michael 

Marily Mojica 

Michele Montalbano 

E.J. Montgomery

Sharon Moody 

Ally Morgan 

Camille Mosley-Pasley 

Jody Mussoff

Georgia Nassikas 

Leslie Nolan

Teresa Oaxaca 

Claudia Olivos 

Helena O'Neill Gallego 

Erica Orgen 

Marian Osher 

Betsy Packard 

Dora Patin

Judith Peck 

Monica Perdomo

Sandra Pérez-Ramos 

Patricia Edwine Poku-Speight

Susana Raab 

Marie Ringwald 

Amber Robles-Gordon 

Alla Rogers 

Roxana Rojas 

Christine Ryan 

Nancy Sausser 

Karen Schmitz 

Lian Sever 

Susan Shalowitz 

Janathel Shaw 

Gail Shaw-Clemons 

Elzbieta Sikorska 

Alexandra Silverthorne 

Judy Southerland 

Molly Springfield 

Pritha Srinivasan

Renee Stout 

Zsudayka Nzinga Terrel 

Patricia Underwood

Andrea Way 

Ellyn Weiss 

Joyce Wellman 

Marcie Wolf-Hubbard

Sharon Wolpoff 

Shawn Yancy

Suzanne Yurdin

Helen Zughaib

Monday, December 23, 2024

"Courage" is the next work selected for Women Artists of the DMV

Joey Mánlapaz not only can paint with the best of realist masters, but she can run circles around most artists when it comes to hard work... the work ethic of this artist, when combined with her enviable technical, allegorical and observational painting skills, all add up to deliver work that is not only the kind of work that "stops" the strolling crowd in a museum, but also delivers a moment in time captured in glorious detail.

About this work, she notes:

It is an upfront, radical & perhaps political painting that commemorates a significant, and yet disturbing, event in recent D.C. history. As an artist who devotes all my oeuvre on Washington, D.C., I felt very strongly to represent an aspect of my city that believes in social justice and freedom to assemble peacefully. I pulled together a montage of placards held by non-violent citizens who marched on Lafayette Square to protest systemic racism that led to the brutal killing of George Floyd and others. It was a rude awakening to see how the Trump administration completely mishandled this grave & incendiary situation. And yet, with an upcoming second Trump administration, already fraught with controversy, the open practice of police brutality, white nationalism, misogyny, and alternative facts will again be the norm

Behold Courage, 2024, 42”x60”, oil on linen:

Courage, 2024, 42”x60”, oil on linen by Joey Manlapaz
Courage, 2024, 42”x60”, oil on linen by Joey Manlapaz

Sunday, December 22, 2024

And the next piece selected for the Women Artists of the DMV survey show is...

I've been doing art fairs all over the world since 2006, and I've literally seen, reviewed, curated, awarded, inspected, admired, gawked, etc. at tens and tens of thousands of artists in my lifetime.

As such, my next sentence comes from a immensely educated background, with loads of empirical and anecdotal data to back up my bombastic nature and the statement. 

Sharon Moody is the greatest living trompe l'oeil artist on planet Earth. 

Does her work fool your eyes? Check

Has her artwork evolved in the last few decades, ever growing in presence and impact? Check.

Is she represented by some of the top hyper-realism galleries in the nation? Check.

Is she a super nice person? Check.

Behold Falling Away, 18x24, oil on panel, 2024.

Falling Away, 18x24, oil on panel, 2024 by Sharon Moody
Sharon Moody - Falling Away
18x24, oil on panel, 2024

Saturday, December 21, 2024

This week's updated list for Women Artists of the DMV

Here's another updated list of the DMV area female artists who have agreed to participate so far in the 2025 "Women Artists of the DMV" survey show! 

Loads more to come as I await confirmations! I am also having trouble reaching some artists that I'd like to invite to the show... so far my emails have either been suffering from spam folderitis or just being ghosted... but if anyone knows the following artists, please tell them to email me: Marian Van Landingham, Iona Rozeal Brown (now known as Rozeal), Lillian Burwell, Danni Dawson, Zoë Charlton, Sylvia Snowden, Joyce Wellman, Margo Humphrey, Marily Mojica, etc.

Before I forget: If I've invited you to the show and you've agreed to participate, please email me ( and let me know... or if I've mispelled your name :-) 

And the "in the show" list so far...

Shiri Achu 

Maremi Andreozzi 

Erin Antognoli

Sondra N. Arkin

Michele Banks 

Suzi Balamaci 

Kate Barfield 

Jennifer Barlow 

Holly Bass

Jennifer Lynn Beaudet 

Julia Bloom 

Lori Boocks 

Margaret Boozer 

Laurie Breen

Lisa Brotman 

Dianne Bugash 

Shante Bullock

Melissa Burley 

Rachel Carren 

Elizabeth Casqueiro

Anne Cherubim

Shanthi Chandrasekar 

Hsin-Hsi Chen 

Irene Clouthier 

Amanda Coelho

Ellen Cornett 

Kathy Cornwell

Rosemary Feit Covey 

Sheila Crider 

Andrea Cybyk 

Jenny Freestone 

Andrea Cullins 

Joan Danziger 

Jenny Davis 

Tanya Davis 

Patricia de Poel Wilberg

Wendy Donahoe

Margaret Dowell

Mary Early

Bria Edwards

Cheryl Edwards

Dana Ellyn 

Hyunsuk Erickson 

Cynthia Farrell Johnson 

Felisa Federman Cogut

Helen Frederick 

Genie Ghim 

Susan Goldman

Carol Brown Goldberg 

Margery Goldberg

Janis Goodman 

Graciela Granek 

Josephine Haden 

Debra Halprin 

Elyse Harrison

Muriel Hasbun 

Rania Hassan 

Mira Hecht 

Francie Hester 

Leslie Holt

Michal Hunter 

Melissa Ichiuji 

Selena Jackson 

Martha Jackson Jarvis  

Barbara Januszkiewicz 

M. Jane Johnson 

Jessica Kallista 

Jenny Kanzler

Maria Karametou

Lori Katz 

Sally Kauffman

Zofie King 

Kate Kretz 

Bridget Sue Lambert

Susan LaMont 

Linda Lawler 

Ngoc Le

Kyujin Lee 

Harriet Lesser 

Shelley Lowenstein 

Taina Litwak 

Dalya Luttwak 

Kara Lin 

June Linowitz 

Shelley Lowenstein

Laurel Lukaszewski 

Caroline MacKinnon

Akemi Maegawa 

Susan Makara

Joey Mánlapaz 

Katherine Mann

Isabel Manalo

Anne Marchand 

Isabella Martire 

Lucinda Marshall 

Amy Marx 

J.J. McCracken

Donna McCullough  

Maggie Michael 

Michele Montalbano 

E.J. Montgomery

Sharon Moody 

Ally Morgan 

Camille Mosley-Pasley 

Jody Mussoff

Georgia Nassikas 

Leslie Nolan

Teresa Oaxaca 

Helena O'Neill Gallego 

Erica Orgen 

Marian Osher 

Betsy Packard 

Dora Patin

Judith Peck 

Monica Perdomo

Sandra Pérez-Ramos 

Susana Raab 

Marie Ringwald 

Amber Robles-Gordon 

Alla Rogers 

Roxana Rojas 

Christine Ryan 

Susan Shalowitz 

Nancy Sausser 

Karen Schmitz 

Lian Sever

Gail Shaw-Clemons 

Elzbieta Sikorska 

Alexandra Silverthorne 

Pritha Srinivasan

Renee Stout 

Zsudayka Nzinga Terrel 

Andrea Way 

Ellyn Weiss 

Marcie Wolf-Hubbard

Sharon Wolpoff 

Shawn Yancy

Suzanne Yurdin

Helen Zughaib

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The fourth piece for the Women Artists of the DMV show

Kate Kretz is fearless.

How do I know that? I don't know it based on actual evidence, but once you explore this talented artist's ventures into so many diverse art planets in the universe of the fine arts, it is easy to arrive at that conclusion.

For all I know she may be terrified by red ants, or spiders, or whatever, but she is not afraid to put her brush, or sewing needle, or whatever art weapon is at hand to deliver some of the most extraordinary political and social commentaries being created today by a fine artist anywhere in the world.

Not just the DMV, but the world.

Behold "Gunlicker I", oil and acrylics on Gatorboard.

"Gunlicker I" by Kate Kretz c. 2016 20x16 inches
"Gunlicker I" by Kate Kretz, Acrylic and Oil on Gatorboard
c. 2015 20x16 inches (oval)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The third work selected for the 2025 Women Artists of the DMV show

I've curated over 200 group art shows in the DC area since the mid 90s, and as I continue to point out, often I find that the first few pieces chosen often also speaks about the show as a whole.

My formula for group shows is essentially the same, and a proven, successful, and bordering on brilliant technique: 

  • the group show is a pyramid of artists at various points in their artistic career and development - blue chip, well-known artists; 
  • a large set of well-known, mid career artists; 
  • and the pyramid's wide and powerful base: a set of young (not simply in age, but perhaps also in artistic age - think of a 95 year-old artist who just started painting five years ago) artists who need the exposure and push that a well-attended, widely publicized, and wildly successful art show offers their young careers.

Renée Stout is an international blue chip artist, and easily fits on the top tier of the pyramid - this immensely talented and multi-skilled artist, moves easily between genres and media with the ease which at first glance appears so easy to the uninitiated, but it is in reality the hardest task for any fine artist.

Stout's magical ability to use her art not only as a showcase of her enviable talent, but also as a breath taking weapon to deliver ideas, positions, historical references, social and political commentary is what makes her such a formidable presence in the contemporary art scene.

Her artwork may seduce you, or surprise you, or inform you, or anger you... but it will always deliver an intelligent punch to the solar plexus of your mind.

Behold "Cracked Baby"acrylic on wood:

Renée Stout (1958)  Cracked Baby, 1998  acrylic on wood  11 x 10 1/2 x 1 3/4 inches
Cracked Baby by Renée Stout
11 x 10 1/2 x 1 3/4 inches, c. 1998
Courtesy of Hemphill Artworks

Monday, December 16, 2024

Women Artists of the DMV: Updated List

Here's another updated list of the DMV area female artists who have agreed to participate so far in he 2025 "Women Artists of the DMV" survey show! 

Loads more to come as I await confirmations! 

Shiri Achu 

Maremi Andreozzi

Sondra N. Arkin

Michele Banks 

Suzi Balamaci 

Jennifer Barlow 

Holly Bass

Jennifer Lynn Beaudet 

Julia Bloom 

Margaret Boozer 

Laurie Breen

Lisa Brotman 

Shante Bullock

Melissa Burley 

Rachel Carren 

Elizabeth Casqueiro

Anne Cherubim

Shanthi Chandrasekar 

Hsin-Hsi Chen 

Irene Clouthier 

Amanda Coelho

Ellen Cornett

Rosemary Feit Covey 

Sheila Crider 

Jenny Freestone 

Andrea Cullins 

Joan Danziger 

Jenny Davis 

Tanya Davis 

Wendy Donahoe

Margaret Dowell 

Bria Edwards

Cheryl Edwards

Dana Ellyn 

Hyunsuk Erickson 

Cynthia Farrell Johnson 

Felisa Federman Cogut

Helen Frederick 

Genie Ghim 

Susan Goldman

Carol Brown Goldberg

Janis Goodman 

Josephine Haden 

Elyse Harrison

Muriel Hasbun 

Rania Hassan 

Mira Hecht

Michal Hunter 

Melissa Ichiuji 

Selena Jackson 

Martha Jackson Jarvis  

Barbara Januszkiewicz 

Jessica Kallista 

Jenny Kanzler

Maria Karametou

Lori Katz

Zofie King 

Kate Kretz

Susan LaMont 

Linda Lawler

Kyujin Lee 

Harriet Lesser 

Shelley Lowenstein 

Taina Litwak 

Dalya Luttwak 

Kara Lin 

June Linowitz 

Shelley Lowenstein

Laurel Lukaszewski

Akemi Maegawa

Joey Mánlapaz

Isabel Manalo

Anne Marchand 

Isabella Martire 

Amy Marx

Donna McCullough  

Maggie Michael 

Michele Montalbano 

E.J. Montgomery

Sharon Moody 

Ally Morgan 

Camille Mosley-Pasley 

Jody Mussoff

Georgia Nassikas 

Leslie Nolan

Teresa Oaxaca 

Helena O'Neill Gallego 

Erica Orgen 

Betsy Packard 

Dora Patin

Judith Peck

Sandra Pérez-Ramos 

Susana Raab 

Marie Ringwald 

Amber Robles-Gordon 

Roxana Rojas

Gail Shaw-Clemons 

Alexandra Silverthorne 

Pritha Srinivasan

Renee Stout 

Zsudayka Nzinga Terrel 

Andrea Way 

Ellyn Weiss 

Marcie Wolf-Hubbard

Sharon Wolpoff 

Shawn Yancy

Suzanne Yurdin

Helen Zughaib