Behold "Sugar Cane", a wondrous mixed media work that allows Lesser to showcase her artistic super powers - it will be part of the Women Artists of the DMV survey show coming to eight venues around the DMV this Fall!"
Friday, February 28, 2025
Harriet Lesser
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
From Instagram to art world darling: The meteoric rise of Danielle Mckinney
Danielle Mckinney’s ladies are in a permanent state of relaxation.
They lounge alone on couches or in bed. They sleep. Some are playful — toying with a butterfly or eying a praying mantis. Others are naked and seemingly unaware of the viewer, cigarettes in hand and gazes soft.
The 44-year-old artist has been painting these women her whole life, she said. As a little girl, she painted little girls, too, but her subjects have aged as she has. In conversation, Mckinney refers to them singularly as her “lady,” and, taken together, the moody portraits reflect intimate moments of solitude and repose.
For years, however, these works were private endeavors by an artist who formally trained as a photographer and only painted on the side. They were never meant to see the world.
Now, a little over four years after first publicly posting her portraits on social media, Mckinney has become one of the art world’s buzziest painters.
For the record: "prints" of a painting are "reproductions", not "prints" - cough... cough...
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Art Scam Alert!
Beware of the below asswipe trying to rip off artists!
From: Lisa Martinez -- --
I discovered your artwork on artbuy and I'm impressed by your talent. I'm currently curating pieces for a project and would like to inquire about the availability and pricing of certain works from your portfolio. I eagerly await your response.
Thank you.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Art Scam Alert!
Beware of this asswipe trying to rip off artists:
Hello there.
I came across some of your art piece online and I feel in love with your work and talent. You deserve to be seen and known on a global level, and I can help your with that.
But first i would love to purchase some of your art work on behalf of my clients. I have notable art lovers and collectors like Steve Cohen on my clients list.
My clients are always willing to pay a fortune for an art piece that resonate with them and some of your art work fit into the kind of art work my client likes.
So kindly send some of your available art work or a link to a website so I can see more of your work and have them sent to my clients.
kindly reach me with the details below
Phone: +13105644618(text only)
I will be looking forward to a response from you.
Best regards.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Updated list of invited artists for Women Artists of the DMV
Another updated list of the DMV area female artists who have agreed to participate so far in the 2025 "Women Artists of the DMV" survey show!
Before I forget: If I've invited you to the show and you've agreed to participate, but you're not listed below, please email me ( and let me know... or if I've misspelled your name :-)
I've received nearly 4,000 emails, DMs, Facebooks, texts, etc. from female artists interested in being considered for the show. Granted, there are a LOT of emails from artists living waaaay far from the Greater DC area who are not eligible, but still...
Deadline to apply: April 30, 2025
I have eight venues lined up, and at best I will be able to physically exhibit 240+ artists... but all applicants who meet the "DMV criteria" will be surveyed and catalogued for the SI American Art Archives, as I've contacted the Smithsonian American Art Archives with a proposal to document and archive ALL artists - of them - see that here.
I am also contacting ALL local universities/colleges and ALL of the DMV art commissions to ask them to buy one work by one alumni or county resident for their permanent collections. I can use some help with that if you know board members, big donors, etc.
I need your help with the various DMV Art commissions/councils from the counties surrounding the DMV (Montgomery, Prince George's, Fairfax, Prince William, Loudoun, Arlington, etc. See this letter/email as an example - feel free to copy and adapt and send to your council members, county executive, art commission, etc.
And the "in the show" list so far...
Shiri Achu
Esperanza Alzona
Maremi Andreozzi
Courtney Applequist
Sondra N. Arkin
Michele Banks
Marilyn Banner
Kate Barfield
Veronica Barker-Barzel
Jennifer Barlow
Denée Barr
Holly Bass
Lisa Battle
Jennifer Lynn Beaudet
Judith Benderson
Sarah Bentley
Anne Bouie
Karin Birch
Jennifer Bishop
Julia Bloom
Lori Boocks
Margaret Boozer
Vian Borchert
Claire Brandt
Laurie Breen
Lisa Brotman
Amy Bruce
Dianne Bugash
Shante Bullock
Melissa Burley
Judy Byron
Denise Calisti
Stephane Calvin
Rachel Carren
Elizabeth Casqueiro
Shanthi Chandrasekar
Mei Mei Chang
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Anne Cherubim
Irene Clouthier
Amanda Coelho
Diane Cooper Cabe
Ellen Cornett
Kathy Cornwell
Rosemary Feit Covey
Lea Craigie-Marshall
Sheila Crider
Jacqui Crocetta
Andrea Cullins
Andrea Cybyk
Joan Danziger
Delna Dastur
Anna U. Davis
Jenny Davis
Tanya Davis
Elizabeth Davison
Danni Dawson
Patricia de Poel Wilberg
Jen Droblyen
Mary Early
Susan Eder
Bria Edwards
Cheryl Edwards
Dana Ellyn
Rita Elsner
Hyunsuk Erickson
Cynthia Farrell Johnson
Felisa Federman Cogut
Sharon Fishel
Mary Annella Frank
Helen Frederick
Emily Fussner
Marie Gauthiez-Charpentier
Genie Ghim
Margery Goldberg
Susan Goldman
Janis Goodman
Pat Goslee
Freya Grand
Graciela Granek
Josephine Haden
Debra Halprin
Beatrice Hamblett
Elyse Harrison
Muriel Hasbun
Seemeen Hashem
Rania Hassan
Jennifer Hayes
Mira Hecht
Michelle Lisa Herman
Francie Hester
Ellen Hill
Pattee Hipschen
Leslie Holt
Susan Hostetler
Sarah J. Hull
Michal Hunter
Sadieh Ilchi
Martha Jackson Jarvis
Barbara Januszkiewicz
M. Jane Johnson
Jessica Kallista
Maria Karametou
Lori Katz
Sally Kauffman
Trish Kent
Megan King
Zofie King
Bridget Sue Lambert
Susan LaMont
Linda Lawler
Ngoc Le
Jun Lee
Kyujin Lee
Harriet Lesser
Carol Levin
Jennifer Lillis
Amy Lin
Kara Lin
Barbara Liotta
Kirsty Little
Taina Litwak
Shelley Lowenstein
Laurel Lukaszewski
Dalya Luttwak
Caroline MacKinnon
Akemi Maegawa
Susan Makara
Isabel Manalo
Sheryl Massaro
Katherine Mann
Anne Marchand
Lucinda Marshall
Isabella Martire
Amy Marx
Sheryl Massaro
J.J. McCracken
Sophia McCroklin
Donna McCullough
Anne Meagher-Cook
Maggie Michael
Regina Miele
Ramona Militaru
Marily Mojica
Michele Montalbano
E.J. Montgomery
Ally Morgan
Adrienne Moumin
Georgia Nassikas
Leslie Nolan
Claudia Olivos
Helena Gallegos O'Neill
Erica Orgen
Marian Osher
Betsy Packard
Dora Patin
Monica Perdomo
Sandra Pérez-Ramos
Anne Pham
Pearl Ping Shen
Patricia Edwine Poku-Speight
Susana Raab
Gail Rebhan
Carol Reed
Cindy K. Renteria
Marie Riccio
Lesley Riley
Marie Ringwald
Amber Robles-Gordon
Sarah Rodman
Alla Rogers
Roxana Rojas
Lisa K Rosenstein
Christine Ryan
Madalaine Sargent
Nancy Sausser
Karen Schmitz
Deanna Schwartzberg
Martina Sestakova
Lian Sever
Susan Shalowitz
Janathel Shaw
Gail Shaw-Clemons
April Shelford
Alison Sigethy
Elzbieta Sikorska
Alexandra Silverthorne
Pauline Siple
Judy Southerland
Pritha Srinivasan
Veronica Szalus
Zsudayka Nzinga Terrel
Kat Thompson
Patricia Underwood
Christine Uskievitch
Jessica Van Brakle
Gloria Vasquez
Rosa Inés Vera
Claudia Vess
Marite Vidales
Lori Walsh
Andrea Way
Ellyn Weiss
Joyce Wellman
Sharon Wolpoff
Helen Wood
Sue Wrbican
Shawn Yancy
Suzanne Yurdin
Paula Zeller
Barbara Ziselberger
Helen Zughaib
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
The Montpelier Arts Center: 8th venue added to Women Artists of the DMV survey show!
We are now up to eight art spaces to exhibit what is now the largest ever curated fine arts exhibition in the history of the DMV!
The art exhibition spaces at the Montpelier Arts Center in Laurel, MD confirmed yesterday that they will participate in the survey exhibition -- that means that I can now curate about 30-40 more female artists for this DMV-wide show.
The Center is located at 9652 Muirkirk Road in Laurel, MD and online here.
The eight confirmed venues are:
- The American University Art Museum at the Katzen - Washington, DC
- The Athenaeum - Alexandria, VA
- The McLean Project for the Arts - McLean, VA
- The Strathmore Mansion Art Galleries - Rockville, MD
- The Artists & Makers Studios and Galleries in Rockville, MD
- The Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center - Hyattsville, MD
- The Writer's Center in Bethesda, MD
- The Montpelier Arts Center in Laurel, MD
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
RFQ: Ceiling-based/hanging & wall artwork at New Highmark Stadium
Entry Deadline: 3/24/25
Budget: $200,000 to $250,000
The Buffalo Bills Public Art Program seeks to commission professional visual artists, or artist teams, to create site-specific public artwork(s) to be placed in (new) Highmark Stadium. This artwork will be thematic, public-facing, and part of the permanent collection at the Stadium.
Through an open Call for Artists Request for Qualifications (RFQ) / Request for Proposals (RFP) process, the Public Art Program will solicit applicants, review portfolios, and select qualified artists or artist teams who can innovatively and thoughtfully design within the context of the new stadium.
Over three separate Calls for Artists, the Buffalo Bills Public Art Program will be seeking sculptural ceiling art, murals, and wall-based artworks of various sizes and budgets to be curated on multiple levels of the Stadium.
The public art at Highmark Stadium should reflect the city’s diverse demographics, team and fan engagement, and be welcoming to travelers of all backgrounds to experience artwork in an inclusive environment. Arts and sports are universal languages that allow people to express themselves and connect with others across communities, cultures, and generations.
About the Buffalo Bills Public Art Program & General Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are located at
The Buffalo Bills Public Art Program at Highmark Stadium is for new site-specific work created to best fit each stadium location.
Please do not send portfolios or links directly to us. Applications will only be accepted through the platform. Creating a profile and applying is free.
Separate call for wall based artwork at