Saturday, May 11, 2024

Open Studios this weekend!

Visit the largest Open Studios event in the DMV.

The Gateway Arts District - Mount Rainier, Brentwood, North Brentwood and Hyattsville, MD. Four towns, one community.

Over 250 participating artists along the Rt. 1 corridor.

Just at Otis Street Arts Projects (OSAP): Ebtisam Abdulaziz, Jason Bulluck, Stephanie Cobb, Ceci Cole McInturff, Chris Combs, Beth Curren, Art Drauglis, Kendra Lee, Liz Lescault, Kirsty Little, Shelley Lowenstein, Becky McFall, Lisa Rosenstein, Gloria Vasquez, David Mordini and resident artists Jasmine Adams.

Right next to them is the Washington Glass School!

You can also visit uberartist Robin Bell this Saturday! May 11, 12-5PM.

Robin Bell will be at OSAP all Saturday talking about his current exhibition "Objects." 

About the exhibition:

Robin Bell fuses his 3D and sample-based structural art with light interventions in the OSAP’s gallery. The space serves as a canvas for displaying, creating, and expanding his work over two-months. Visitors are encouraged to witness the evolution of the piece by attending both at the start and end of his show. Through this exhibition, Robin hopes to push himself and other DMV artists to confront and comprehend our shared challenges with site-specific interventions.

About Robin Bell:

Robin Bell, founder of Bell Visuals, is an award-winning editor, video journalist, and multimedia artist based in Washington DC. Robin works on a range of creative, political and public interest projects.

Building upon his formal training as a classical printmaker, Robin developed a unique style of live video collage which he has performed at well-known venues, including The Kennedy Center, 9:30 Club, The Phillips Collection in Washington DC, Central Park Summer Stage in NYC, and The Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, California. Robin was the lead video editor for PBS television show Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria. He also taught video classes at the Corcoran College of Art and Design.

In addition to his ongoing work with ephemeral media forms, Robin creates permanent public art installations, and is the director and producer of the Directed Actions Live Film Series.

This weekend: Bethesda Fine Arts Festival

On May 11 & 12, 20234, the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival takes over Woodmont Triangle, along Norfolk, Auburn & Del Ray Avenues, welcoming over 100 of the nation's best artists, live entertainment, and Bethesda restaurants. Take a glance at the artists attending this year's festival by clicking the link below.

Take a glance at the artists attending this year's festival by clicking here

Admission to the festival is FREE and free parking is available in the public parking garage on Auburn Avenue. This event is held rain or shine. 

My picks? In painting Cassie Taggart in booth 94 and Letitia Lee in booth 55.  Top abstract painter was Jorge Caliguri from Philly in booth 99.

In mixed media I like Susan Roche in booth 71 and Kate Norris' gorgeous collages in booth 19.

And there's not one pedestrian photographer in the show! They are all really good! My personal top pick is John Deng in booth 44.

John Deng
John Deng's booth
See all the photographers here.

Art by Susan Roche
Art by Susan Roche

Thursday, May 09, 2024

The Home I Never Knew; Ni De Aquí, Ni De Allá


Guest Curated by Flor Herrera-Picasso, Casa Azul de Wilson

Opening in June 2024, the Greenville Museum of Art (GMoA) will host The Home I Never Knew: Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla, a group exhibition of artwork by Latino/a/x artists from or currently residing in the southeast region of the United States.

Accepting artworks by artists ages 15+ and working in all media, the GMoA aims to provide a space for artists identifying within the Latino/a/x community to share about their lives growing up in this region, including hardships, triumphs, and everything in between.

Reclaiming the idea of “ni de aqui, ni de alla,” or “not from here, nor there,” we will highlight the range of individual and shared experiences associated with being both “from here” AND “from there,” belonging or not belonging, or feeling mentally, emotionally, or culturally from elsewhere.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

"Space Between" by Anne Marchand at Zenith

 SPACE BETWEEN Paintings by Anne Marchand

May 10 - June 15, 2024
1429 Iris Street NW, Washington DC 20012
Open: Wed-Sat Noon-6pm or by Appointment

MEET THE ARTIST RECEPTIONS: Friday May 10, 4-8 pm & Saturday May 11, 2-6 pm
ARTIST TALK: Saturday, June 1, 2-4 pm

“Space Between” delves into the complexities of the human condition, exploring the unseen realms that shape our existence. This exhibition utilizes the power of art to illuminate the spaces between myth and reality, consciousness and subconscious, and intuition and logic.

Art by Anne Marchand at Zenith Gallery

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

The non existing formula for pricing art

 Over in FB land, artist Bardia Jaan asks an often-asked question:

Easy easy question: how do you price your art? 

Material cost + (hourly rate * number of hours * 2)?  Plus studio cost Plus Misc stuff like going to Sushi?

That’s what I thought someone said.  This might be for artists who have just started selling.

In my opinion, there's really no formula - art for sale is a commodity; therefore, ECON 101 tells us about how prices in most cases is driven by supply and demand, but that doesn't work for 99.999% of us because it only works for that art that is very limited in supply but in high demand. 

About a decade ago, you could pick up a painting by my good friend Sam Gilliam at a local DC area auction house for hundreds of dollars, because there was no "demand" and buyers were not willing to pay above a few hundreds for a Gilliam canvas from the past. 

Ten years ago this Gilliam painting from 1972 was estimated at $1000-2000 and sold for $600. That painting is now probably worth several tens of thousands of dollars if not 100s.


A couple of things happened driven by art galleries (not in DC) "discovering" Gilliam and suddenly there was a demand, and his prices skyrocketed and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person! 

Or take the case of Carmen Herrera, for decades and decades her canvasses sold for practically nothing (if they even sold) - then a curator from the Tate "discovered" this artist who had an amazing pedigree (she showed alongside some of the greats of art in the 40x, 50s, etc.) and organized a retrospective for Herrera at the Tate, and suddenly the world art collectors discovered her work and rushed to buy it - creating the demand and thus a huge rise in prices. 

More examples? 

In the 60s Alice Neel was on welfare and traded her paintings to Lida Moser for Moser to take slides of her work so that Neel could try to get galleries interested in her work... then... go back to the top of this post and substitute "Neel" for those two artists... cough, cough...

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Unread emails

In case you wonder why I am often slow in answering emails - that's how many unread emails I have in my inbox... cough... cough...

Lenny Campello's unread emails!!!

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Shawn Yancy at Pepco Edison Place Gallery

The multi talented Shawn Yancy is having a solo show at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery in DC!

Shawn Yancy at Pepco Edison Place Gallery

The show has been curated by Miller Spencer who writes:

One of the DC area’s most respected broadcast news anchors and philanthropists is an amazing artist!  

Miller Spencer is proud to present Shawn’s first solo exhibition Intersections: This is Where We Meet.

Explore Shawn’s beautiful abstract works and get a glimpse into her thoughts, feelings, life experiences and more.

The exhibition ends this month at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery, located at 702 8th St NW, Washington, DC 20068.  

The gallery is open to the public from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays as well as the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Please contact Miller Spencer at to arrange a private tour or request prices.  

Learn more at 

Friday, May 03, 2024

May the Force be with you tomorrow

 Just sayin'...

Hipster Yoda - drawing on Bisque by Florencio Lennox Campello, 2024
Hipster Yoda - drawing on Bisque by Florencio Lennox Campello, 2024

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Stephen King at Dorcas

There is a very cute small library at 28 Main Street, in Prospect Harbor, Maine, and while we were in the area hanging around Winter Harbor last weekend, we stopped to visit as I was told that they had a very large collection of works by Stephen King.

The Dorcas Library did not disappoint! It was small but formidable presence and staffed by two of the nicest lady volunteers on this planet.

Dorcas Library, Maine
Dorcas Library, Maine

My reason for visiting was that I had been told that in spite of its size, they had a formidable collection of books by Maine's best-known writer, the very talented and scary Stephen King (whom I met ages ago in 1979 or 1980 at a SeaCon in Seattle while I was in art school).

The visit did not disappoint, as the collection was indeed spectacular!

Stephen King collection at Dorcas Library, Maine
Stephen King collection at Dorcas Library, Maine

The collection had been donated by a King collector, and then to my spectacular surprise I discovered that also donated was a small etching of King that I had done as an art school assignment in 1980!

Campello with Stephen King etching at Dorcas Library, Maine
Campello with Stephen King etching at Dorcas Library, Main

The American Writer Stephen King, c. 1980 by F. Lennox Campello
The American Writer Stephen King, c. 1980 by F. Lennox Campello

Monday, April 29, 2024

Picasso Girl at the Beach

From the art school files: "Picasso Girl at the Beach", c. 1979 and done at Printmaking class at the University of Washington of Art in Seattle. A couple of different pulls from the same plate.

Picasso Girl at the Beach, 1979 etching by Florencio Lennox Campello

Picasso Girl at the Beach, 1979 etching by Florencio Lennox Campello

Sunday, April 28, 2024

A master class in presentation

Room 493 at the just ended ARTOMATIC is where the very talented multimedia artist Christine Krizsa Uskievich not only displayed her smart explorations of photography among other work, but also teaches a lesson which combines installation skills with a novel and effective strategy for the visitors and potential buyers of her elegant work. 

Christine Krizsa Uskievich
Moment by Christine Krizsa Uskievich

First, the highly sophisticated work is beautifully presented in minimalist float frames that highlight the art without detractors.

And then she delivers a masters' class in presentation skills. She transformed room 493 into a warm living space, like in your apartment or my house.

Christine Krizsa Uskievich room 493 at Artomatic
Christine Krizsa Uskievich room 493 at Artomatic

The work is hung, and the room is transformed to deliver an impression that says: "this is how it will look in your home." It is clever, clean, and professional! 

Well done!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

What's next?

What's next on the fine arts agenda for The Lenster?

1. The Affordable Art Fair Austin Texas is May 16-19 and my work will be in booth B9 along with Jodi Walsh, Shannon Leigh, Kathy Hope and Seth Fairweather!
2. The Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art's Fine Arts Festival will be May 18-19 at the Reston Town Center in Reston, Virginia and I'll have a booth there as well!
Come say hi! Below is "Homage to Celia Cruz"
Homage to Celia Cruz by Florencio Lennox Campello, 2024
Homage to Celia Cruz by Florencio Lennox Campello, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

Heading to Austin

The very first Affordable Art Fair Austin, Texas is coming May 16-19 and we're gonna be showcasing work by Shannon Leigh, Seth Fairweather, Kathleen Hope and Jodi Walsh!

The below work of mine will also be featured at the fair!

When Death aarived, she was the first one to post it on TikTok
When Death arrived, she was the first one to post it on TikTok

Suddenly, she wasn't afraid any longer
Suddenly, she wasn't afraid any longer

The Incantation of Frida Kahlo
The Incantation of Frida Kahlo

The Incantation of Frida Kahlo
The Incantation of Frida Kahlo

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Artomatic: The erotica award

As ARTOMATIC is about to end this Sunday, I want to give whoever this artist is - the signature says "Parrilla", but there's no "Parrilla" in the ARTOMATIC roster of exhibiting artists. Nonetheless, he or she gets the top EROTICA award for 2024 ARTOMATIC. 

Enjoy these gorgeous paintings!


Erotica from ARTOMATIC 2024


Erotica from ARTOMATIC 2024


Erotica from ARTOMATIC 2024


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Call for Women Photographers

The 2024 Prix Virginia

This photography  competition is open to women photographers, regardless of their nationality or age. The competition is organized every two years by the Association Sylvia S. from Paris, France. 

Each candidate must submit 12 – 18 photographs on any subject (one cohesive body of work rather than single images). 

Photos submitted to the Virginia Prize must never have been exhibited in France. 

No Entry Fee. 

Details here.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

After ARTOMATIC... what?

Hopefully, an ARTOMATIC 2025, but knowing how immensely difficult it is to arrange, work and set up this amazing spectacle and most impressive gift to the planet's art scene, I suspect that it may be a year or two.

ARTOMATIC ends this weekend (April 28) and I want to be the first to send a most effusive WELL DONE to George Koch, the Godfather of ARTOMATIC and to the hundreds of volunteers that made this gorgeous event happen.

The end of such an important art gift to the DMV always brings a bit of sadness, but it also leaves our artistic batteries super charged!

What next?

Maybe an art fair... a really no shit art fair like New York, London, half a dozen Asian cities, and next month Austin have? The city commissars at the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities are thinking about it...

Read my thoughts here.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Open Studios at DC Arts Studios coming up!


Sunday, April 28th, 1pm to 5pm

Meet the near 50 artists of DC Arts Studios - oil painters, acrylic painters, fiber artists, photographers, mixed media artists and more!  Visit their studios!  Explore their work!  Artwork large and small available for purchase. Commissions also accepted.  The event is free and open to the public.

6925-D Willow St. NW, Washington, DC 20012

Friday, April 19, 2024

Embracing Our Differences - Call for Quotes

Embracing Our Differences is seeking original quotations for an outdoor juried art exhibit featuring 50 billboard size images paired with the quotations. 

The theme is “embracing our differences.“ 

The exhibit will be on display January through April 2025 in two locations in Florida.

Cash prizes totaling $4,000 will be awarded. 

Entries can be no longer than 20 words. 

No Entry Fee. 

Details here.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Signal Boxes Public Art Project: Call for Artists

The Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District announces a Call for Artists for a new public art project in downtown Bethesda, MD. The A&E District will select 15 artists whose original designs will be printed onto a vinyl wrap to adorn 15 Signal Boxes located throughout downtown Bethesda. This new project will beautify the signal boxes, provide an opportunity to local artists and bring more public art to our community. We are especially interested in having high school artists participate in this project. If you know a young artist in your life, please encourage them to submit their work

Artists must be 14 years of age or older and residents of Washington, D.C., Maryland or Virginia.

Each selected artist will be paid $650 for the use of their design, and the deadline to apply is Monday, April 29, 2024.

Details here.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Art Bank Program Call for Artists

For many years, I have been a member of the advisory panel that recommends to the City of Washington which art to acquire for its city collection via its ART BANK program.

I am always shocked how few submissions we get each year! And the artists who "know about it" keep it up every year to the point that by now, there are artists with almost twenty works of art in the collection of the District of Columbia!


In support of local visual artists, District art galleries, and art nonprofit organizations, CAH acquires fine art. The ongoing annual acquisition of art from metropolitan artists becomes a part of the Art Bank Collection. CAH manages artwork in the collection. It is then loaned to District Government agencies for display in public areas and offices of government buildings. The Art Bank Collection, which started in 1986, has nearly 3,000 artworks.

The Commission on the Arts and Humanities (CAH) requests applications from qualified artists and District nonprofit art galleries or organizations for its Fiscal Year 2025 Art Bank Program. Award amounts vary but eligible individual applicants may be awarded up to $15,000 and nonprofit art galleries or organizational applicants may be awarded up to $20,000.

Submission Deadline: 9 pm ET, Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Details here. 

Tips: If your artwork involves any kind of nudity - do not even bother.

Political art? Only one side of the aisle usually considered... cough... cough...