Friday, October 09, 2009

Resources for Artists

John Grazier has brought to my attention this resource which allows artists like Grazier to publish it himself. He writes:

This is a magazine I have published, with quotes by notable individuals and curators, and filled with double page spreads of images of my work, -- it's very impressive, beautifully printed on 80 lb. glossy paper. Forty-four pages, it may be previewed online (and ordered). It is, for me, a valuable sales tool. I make no profit on it; I have sold about 25 copies, a small number, but which I view as a success. This means that collectors are in possession of it, and thinking about my paintings.

Other artists might consider doing something similar to promote their work. Publishing it is free! I think the concept is great, and if someone wants a profit, they just take that option, pricing the publication above print on demand cost-- they will receive payment via paypal.
Details here. Comments welcomed.

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