Saturday, January 04, 2025

When a drawing takes your breath away over the years

Decades ago I was the juror for a group show at the Art League in Alexandria, and a gorgeous drawing titled "Olivia" stood out in a group show that, like most Art League's shows, is always packed with talent and great art, and I awarded it The Shayna Heisman Simkin Award.

The artist was Wendy Donahoe, who is easily one of the best realist artists on the planet, and has that most difficult of all abilities in her work: capturing not only the likeness of the subject, but also a psychiological signature of the same subject.

Donahoe received a University of Delaware BFA in Drawing in1978 and did graduate work at George Washington University from 1980 - 81. Both those universities owe her a solo show in the future and I intend to bring that to their attention.

Behold “Olivia” by Wendy Donahoe, 20.5” x 15.5” Colored Pencil on sanded gray tone paper, c. 2010. (30” x 25.5” framed).

“Olivia”  by Wendy Donahoe - 20.5” x 15.5” Colored Pencil on sanded gray tone paper 2010. (30” x 25.5” framed)
“Olivia”  by Wendy Donahoe
20.5” x 15.5” Colored Pencil on sanded gray tone paper
c. 2010. (30” x 25.5” framed)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Know her work well,
All of it is spectacular!!!