Monday, June 23, 2008

Opportunity for DC Artists

Deadline: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 5:30 pm

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) is purchasing artwork that captures archetypes of Washington DC. Subjects include specific neighborhoods, parks and circles, festivals, gathering places, or cultural events. Less obvious motifs include downtown redevelopment, restaurants, shops and businesses, work places, or Metro stations. Artists should consider a broad range of subject matter as long as the works have an unmistakable subject reflecting life in the District. Artists should also consider submitting images of Washington that depict the changing neighborhoods and the parts of the city that are disappearing. The Committee is very interested in depictions of all wards of the city. The collection serves to honor and embrace life in the District.

This opportunity is open to all artists who reside and have their studio in the District of Columbia.

For more information and to download the Call to Artist, please visit or to request an application in HTML format, email Beth Baldwin or call (202) 724-5613.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Drawing

And in a huge development to my own artwork, color returns to it!

For years I painted in oils and watercolors and also did drawings... but around 1992-1993 all my artwork began to focus on just black and white drawings.

Not any more; color has returned to my artwork...

click here for a larger image

"Last Copy of the Constitution"
Charcoal, Conte Crayons and Colored Pencils Drawing by F. Lennox Campello.
Matted and Framed to 24 x 18 inches

Saturday, June 21, 2008


To B.G. Muhn, winner of the 2008 Bethesda Painting Awards.

Read the Washington Post review here. The show goes through July 5, 2008.

Scene from Bethesda has the story and images as well. See it here.

PMA Announces Interim CEO

Gerry Lenfest, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Philadelphia Museum of Art, yesterday announced the board’s unanimous vote to appoint Chief Operating Officer Gail Harrity as the Museum’s Interim Chief Executive Officer, and Associate Director of Collections Alice Beamesderfer as Interim Head of Curatorial Affairs.

These appointments, effective immediately, follow the unexpected death on June 1 of Anne d’Harnoncourt, The George D. Widener Director and Chief Executive Officer. A selection committee co-chaired by Trustees Martha Morris and Keith Sachs will be organized in the coming weeks to search for a permanent successor.


To the winners of the 41st annual Art of the State: Pennsylvania 2008 exhibition, showcasing the talent, creativity and diversity of Pennsylvania's established and emerging artists. The exhibition opens to the public on Sunday, June 29, at The State Museum of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg.

The exhibit includes 166 works of art which were selected from over 2,400 entries. This represents 160 artists from 28 counties.

The exhibition runs through Sept.21. For more information, visit this website.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Let's help Hizzoner

A few days ago I noted that Tony Gittens, the executive director of the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, announced a couple of days ago that he is leaving that post after 11 years.

Mayor Fenty will now appoint a new EA for the DCCAH and we're all hoping that it's not a typical politico nepotista appointment for the $110,000 a year job.

We're all hoping for someone who is qualified for this important job and who also cares deeply about the capital arts presence and its artists.

I have nominated George Koch, but I am curious to learn about other potential nominees out there, so feel free to post some comments with names of those who you think may be candidates.

Go hang your own artwork

"Wallmountables" is DCAC's Annual Open Exhibit - This year it will be from July 18 - August 31, with installation on July 16 3-8pm, July 17 3-8pm, July 18 3-6pm.

They divide the gallery into 2' x 2' squares and you take care of the rest.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


To my good bud Jeffry Cudlin, who won First Place in the 13th annual AltWeekly Awards for his art criticism!

Now if Jeffry would only get back to writing a little...

Opportunity for Artists

Click on image for details...

Click Here


To former Manassas, Virginia artist (now in Brooklyn) artist Allison Smith, who was recently awarded a Foundation for Contemporary Arts grant.

Wanna go to a DC opening?

On June 20, from 6-8PM, Georgetown's Cross MacKenzie Ceramic Arts has an opening for the always fascinating theme of trompe l'oeil work, in this case by various artists.

Also take a look at the really good article in the current issue of American Craft magazine about Rebecca Cross MacKenzie and her DC gallery. Read it here.

Meet the dealers

I don't know who the dealers or curators lined up to do this are, but Baltimore's Creative Alliance, on June 22 is offering an opportunity for one-on-one interviews with curators and art dealers representing for-and-non-profit spaces in the region.

Learn what venues are looking for, get feedback on how your work is seen, and hone your presentation skills. Bring what you need to discuss your work (portfolio, artist statement, resume, etc.). Interviews are 15 min each, limited to 4 per artist, and scheduled on a first-come basis. Plan to wait for/between interviews. 2-6pm. $15, $10 mbrs.

Creative Alliance at The Patterson
3134 Eastern Ave
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: 410-276-1651

Make Your Emergence!

In reference to my "Who are your notable emerging artist(s) in your town and area?" (Click here), you can also nominate yourself and put up your own website.

Go here, sign in (it's free) and give us a link to any artist website of your choice, including your own.

There may be more coming out of this, but at least you get another Google digital footprint out of it when collectors seek you out.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wanna go to a Baltimore Opening?

Wanna go to a Tyson's Corner, VA opening?

Wanna go to a McLean Opening?

Let the drinking begin!

Campello Pinot GrigioNow available everywhere, most notably at Trader Joe's.

Reviews and comments here. For around six bucks it's already getting rave reviews!

Emerge already!

C'mon! Who are your notable emerging artist(s) in your town and area? I give you an opportunity to put a digital footprint for the website of your favorite emerging artist and you folks are hemming me up...

Go here, sign in (it's free) and give us a link to the website of your favorite emerging artist. Then maybe later we'll do a poll and see who emerges as the top 2-3 emerging artists around the nation to keep an eye on...

There may even be a prize or two coming down the road... trust me.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


To Philly area artist Charles Burwell a new 2008 Pew Fellowships in the Arts recipient!

Mr. Burwell will receive a $60,000 Fellowship - an increase of $10,000 from previous years -and the largest such grants in the country from which individual artists can apply.

This year the awards went to artists working in folk and traditional arts, painting and playwriting, and were selected from a pool of 323 applicants.

"We are proud to continue Pew's long-standing commitment to the community of artists in Philadelphia and delighted to support this year's Pew Fellows in recognition of their exemplary contributions to the artistic vitality of our city and region,"
noted Marian Godfrey, Managing Director, Culture and Civic Initiatives of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Burwell is represented in Philadelphia by the Bridgette Mayer Gallery.

The full list of award winners is here. Other visual artists in the list include Matthew Cox, Anne Seidman and Mauro Zamorra.

Congrats to all!

New Virginia Gallery

Ayr Hill Gallery will hold its Grand Opening Celebration on Friday, June 27, 2008, 5 PM to 8 PM, at 141 Church Street, NW, in Vienna, Virginia. Featured artists Armand Cabrera and Kathryn Ellis will attend the reception.

Canapés, confections, and conviviality will be served. To be included on the guest list, please send your name and mailing address to or call 703-938-3880; additional guests will be accommodated as space permits. Free and open to the public.