Saturday, December 04, 2004

Adrienne Mills Top 10 AOM List
click here to see more Mills
Adrienne Mills
is not only a woman of mystery, but she's also a very talented photographer, a participating AOM artist and body painter extraordinaire. She told me that she has "walked AOM at least 50 times," and thus her list (and her comments) comes after miles of re-visitng these works (the links lead to Mills' photos of the AOM artists' works):

Christopher Edmunds (I came to the realization that I have a head fixation).
Kathryn Cornelius then and now (I luuuuv you! ...I guess you had to be there before it was shut down.)
Sherill Anne Gross
Rob Vander Zee (The heads behind Bryan T)
Erwin Timmers (I like his stuff way better than Tim's but Tim gets all the press and play).
Thomas Edwards (I want to lick you! ... you can't imagine how many times I've thought that about different people. It's good to know I'm not the only one).
Lisa Schumaier (I like cats. Maybe that's why I want to lick people).
Jared Davis (even better when he has the music going).
Video guy (I don't remember his name).
Joyce Zipperer
*Amy Marx* (Amy gets the "close, but no cigar" award. The black fabric stretched on the frames was a bit ragged but I still like the overall effect. I would bump Sherill if the black fabric was in better shape).

More AOM Lists coming...

Artists are finally sending me their Top 10 AOM Lists. I'll be posting Marilyn Banner's and Adrienne Mills' later today.

For the next two weeks I'll be on the road; traveling to Miami and to San Diego. Nonetheless I will still be posting from the road, including my final mathematical compilation (from all lists) of the Top 10 AOM artists, whom will then be offered a group show at a DC area gallery in 2005. I am working the details with that gallery and will announce it all next week.

By the way, four other galleries that I know of (both Fraser Galleries, the Anne C. Fisher Gallery and Gallery Neptune) are also offering shows to AOM artists based on some of the DC Art News AOM lists. Is that great or what!

Whole Foods and art

I love shopping for food at Whole Foods, and how there's always all kinds of foods, cheeses, dips, etc. around to taste and eat as you shop. If the grubs knew about this, I am sure they may stop attending art gallery openings and start hanging out at Whole Foods.

But I digress... Every Whole Foods store has a resident artist, and several of them (such as Kelly Towles) are also exhibiting artists at this year's Artomatic.

And the Whole Foods area management sent all their employees the below email, encouraging them to attend the final weekend of Artomatic.

Bravo Whole Foods!

whole foods invite

Friday, December 03, 2004

Time to Vote!

My good colleage J.T. Kirkland, over at Thinking About Art has been nominated for a WebLog Award for his terrific Thinking About Art BLOG.

Let's help him out by pretending we're Chicago Democrats or any and all Louisiana voters and by voting as often and as many times as possible here.

JS Adams' AOM Top 10 List

Artist JS (Jim) Adams sends in his AOM list of his favorite artists and makes the point that he "respectfully excludes several long-time favorites and peers whom are well documented on other's lists (Brooks, Tattelman, Tate, Seesow, and Miner)" and adds that he is also purchasing one of James Calder's photographs and a piece from Louise Kennelly.

James Calder, photography
Alan Callander, video
Kathryn Cornelius, installation
Linda Hesh, mixed media + photography
Louise Kennelly, painting
Syl Mathis, glass
Nicholas Syracuse, photography
Bridget Vath, phobic fashion
Jeff Wilson, painting
Dennis Yankow, mixed media + photography

Tonight is the first Friday of December and thus the extended hours for the Dupont Circle area galleries. Meet the artists, see new shows, have a glass of wine and buy some art.

Openings from 6-8 PM generally. If you make the gallery rounds, do not miss Erik Sandberg's current show at Conner Contemporary. Sandberg is one of the best painters in our area and this show is my top pick for the month. Read the Michael O'Sullivan review of the show here.

And this weekend is the last two days for Artomatic. Most of the artists will be there tomorrow, and if you want a great tour, the Triangle Artists Group (Metro DC's gay artists collective) will be hosting a site tour of its members "along with other LGBT and queer artists who are participating in Artomatic 2004" on Saturday.

Meet the TAG tour guides tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 4) in the AOM Lobby for guided tours at 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.

Also on Saturday is the Funky Furniture Auction. On Saturday, December 4th, 2004 at 9pm, all of the Funky Furniture works will be auctioned in a must-attend party/auction to be staged at the Funky Furniture display area at AOM. Admission to the cocktail pre-auction reception is $20 per couple, which also gets you a bidding badge.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

ANABA makes a good point!

Sometimes it takes someone far from the eye of the hurricane to see clearly that there's calm in the center (that almost sounded like something Dan Rather would say... yuk!).

Martin Bromirski makes an excellent point about AOM, lists and me in his excellent ANABA art BLOG.

So, more artists should email me their AOM lists!

When I started the AOM Top 10 List thing, I invited anyone and everyone to send me their list; so far that has caused a significant (and astounding) response from gallery owners, art critics, art collectors, art curators, etc., but only a few artists have sent in their list.

Only a few days left... the offer is still open!