Sunday, July 09, 2006


To Italy for winning its fourth World Cup.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Artists' Market is Today

Today is the Bethesda Artists Market- till 5PM.

Directions here.

Arts Beat

Rachel Beckman, who is the new writer for the Arts Beat column writes a superb profile of area artist Eric Finzi, who's currently exhibiting at Heineman-Myers.

Correcto Mundo

A twittering correction.

Visit Boozer's website here

I'll be damned if I didn't learn a thing or two from this great CP profile on area artist Margaret Boozer.

Not only do I think that Boozer is one of the key, really key, artists in our area... but also someone who's gonna leave a deep footprint on contemporary art, and also one of the most generous and kind spirits around.

Kudos to Capps and the CP for a really good profile on one of our top leading artists.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Funny thing about the Weekend online sessions

It seems to me that the Weekend staff is ignoring any art-related questions that they get via their online sessions.

I know this because some of you email me afterwards telling me that they asked questions and were ignored. A reader sends the following:

So I submitted a darn good comment to the Weekend Online thing...

1) about saying they are experts in art but when they introduced O'Sullivan they only talk about his interview of some actor/comedian, and

2) about how the NY Times somehow is able to publish lots of art articles every week even though NYC has much more food/theatre/music/etc than DC... how in the world can the Times possibly allocate such space to art??? :)

They ignored the comment and focused almost solely on water parks for 3 year olds... are they suppressing the inquiries about art coverage now?
I don't know, so my open question to Joyce Jones, editor of the Weekend section: "Are you suppressing/ignoring art related questions now?"

Artists Roundtable at AAC

Artists Roundtable: The MFA Graduate Experience in 2006
Date: Thursday, July 13, 2006, 7 PM
Location: Arlington Arts Center, 3550 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA
More Info: 703. 248.6800 or
Cost: Free. Reservations not required, but are appreciated.

On July 13, several artists in the Center's current New Art Examined: Work by 2006 MFA Graduates in the Mid-Atlantic States discuss their work, the current academic environment, and the experience of entering the commercial art world when the market is hot. Exhibiting artists received degrees from VCU, Maryland Institute, College of Art, Carnegie Mellon, and Penn State, among others. AAC curator Carol Lukitsch will moderate the discussion, and audience participation is encouraged. If you’ve attended an AAC roundtable before, you know how interesting the dialogue can get.

The Artists’ Roundtable is free, but reservations are appreciated to ensure adequate seating. For more information, call 703.248.6800 or