Friday, March 20, 2009

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: May 27, 2009

Axis Gallery's 4th National Juried Competition Exhibition has a call for artists. The competition deadline is postmarked May 27, 2009.

The exhibition dates are August 1-30, 2009. This year's juror is Janet Bishop curator of Painting and Sculpture at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. This year's competition is open to artists residing in the US. Accepted media includes paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture, original digital images, and photo processes produced in the last two years.

The entry fee is $30 for 3 entries and $5.00 for each additional entry with a limit of 6 total. Entries must arrive in the form of a CD and must be in jpeg format. Please get a prospectus for details. The prospectus is available at Email: Phone: 916.443.9900.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Businessing Art

To dig each other out of the current economic morass, a fundamental integration of the arts and business worlds is urgently needed. Instead of segregating each into right- and left-brain domains relegated to work versus leisure time, these two equally important elements must finally be united into one forceful whole.

Artists know how to look at the world — and problem solve — with fresh eyes. If businesses regularly invited photographers, crafters and writers to participate in brainstorming sessions and hold employee workshops, some new solutions and strategies might arise.
Read Andrea K. Hammer at the Bulletin here.

Is this awesome or what?

"Seems like Tyler School of Art is looking to stir something up: We got word this morning that, in an attempt to "end the age of silence," whatever that means, Temple kids have craftily constructed four Trojan Horses out of what looks like cardboard on wheels, and strategically placed them in the lobbies of UArts, PAFA, Moore College of Art & Design, and the Art Institute. How they got them in there without getting caught, no one knows."
Check it out here.

Their typewritten manifesto says:
"Within the tides and ideals of their own foundations, four rivers have been flourishing in the city of Philadelphia. The fifth river had existed within close proximity until now. Its channel has been rerouted to flow abreast the others and encroach on their territory. We, the students of Tyler School of Art, have been rerouted and relocated. However, our waters are as steady and strong as they have ever been.

Four gifts have been constructed ending the age of silence. As Apollo lifts the sun on the morning of March 18, 2009, these four gifts will be illuminated. On this morning we … declare war against thee and stand by our gates at full attention waiting for the battle to begin."
I love this!

Tyler recently (today was the first day I think) opened a brand new gallery in their new relocated spaces. More info and details from the Tylerists here.

See how the horses were constructed below:

Moore's response below!!!

De we have an 'arts czar'?

Late last week, the White House seems to have appointed an arts czar -- but no one seems to have noticed. His name is Kareem Dale, according to a short item in Saturday's New York Times. As of 1 p.m. on Monday, there's no press release on and no reports of the appointment at the Associated Press or Reuters.
Judith H. Dobrzynski reports here and reports here.

Bailey on Fake Twitter Gopnik

Only Bailey could somehow make sense out of not apologizing (yet) to Blake Gopnik over his identity theft over at Twitter.

Read it here.

Also Bailey made a really interesting point separately: it would be interesting to see if the Washington Post reports on this whole issue.

After all, this is a rather interesting development, and I am sure that Twitter does not condone identity theft, and I suspect that the WaPo wouldn't be too happy to see their employees' names and reputation taken in vain.

And why is the site still up? Shouldn't Blake complain and have the site removed? From what I can tell, with 175 followers, there could be 175 folks out there who still think that Blake Gopnik has a Twitter voice.

Update: The fake Twitter account has finally been suspended.

Wanna go to a DC opening tomorrow?


March 20 (Friday), 6-8 p.m. at Capitol Hill Art and Frame, 623 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Campello reviewed

In TMP director/choreographer Jon Douglas Rake’s presentation of “Footloose the Musical,” the dancing and singing are spot-on for all the main actors. Elise Campello is particularly impressive as the sassy yet sometimes sweet Ariel, wooing the boys with her cutoff shorts and sweater dresses when her father is not around.
Details here.