Thursday, November 04, 2010

FotoWeek DC starts tomorrow

The Corcoran Gallery of Art and College of Art + Design will serve as FotoWeek Central, the hub of activity during FotoWeek DC 2010 (November 6 – 13). Activities include the official launch party November 5, expert portfolio reviews, NightGallery projections on the museum’s historic Beaux Arts exterior, and a variety of workshops, tours, and lectures—including an evening lecture, photo presentation and book signing by Restrepo co-director and producer Tim Hetherington at 7 p.m. on November 11.

Hetherington’s new book of work, Infidel, is as much about love and male vulnerability as it is about bravery and war.
In celebration of FotoWeek DC, the Corcoran will open its doors Monday and Tuesday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. of the festival and will be FREE and open to the public for the duration of the festival. To see a full list of FotoWeek Central activities, visit

Teresa Oaxaca at the Rotunda

Teresa OaxacaThe very young and superbly talented DMV area artist Teresa Oaxaca of Arlington, Virginia will show new paintings in the Rotunda of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C. in connection with the Esperanza Education Fund’s Benefit Concert on December 6, 2010, 7:30-9:00 PM.

The evening will begin with a performance in the Ballroom by the internationally renowned Classical/Flamenco Guitarist Grigory Goryachev. After the concert there will be a champagne reception in the Rotunda where Oaxaca’s new 6-foot high paintings will be featured. This is Esperanza's second Winter Benefit.

Oaxaca’s work will also be on display at the Arlington Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. Arlington, from Dec. 7-31.

This young 22-year old painter Teresa Oaxaca is a classically trained painter who grew up in Arlington. She studied for five years in Florence, Italy, and currently works in the Washington D.C. area as a full-time artist. Her portfolio largely consists of figural painting and still life although she is also known as a portrait artist and has been taking on numerous commissions from clients in the Washington D.C. area since 2006. This young art prodigy has already received high recognition, including winning international awards such as the Canadian-based (and highly contested) Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation grant twice, apprenticing with the uberstar Norwegian painter Odd Nerdrum, and exhibiting internationally.

Keep your eye on Oaxaca.

WPA 2011 Artist Directory

Deadline: February 1, 2011

The Washington Project for the Arts has announced a call for submissions for its 2011 Artist Directory.

Published bi-annually, this four-color, 8.5 x 5.5 inch directory is the definitive listing of established and emerging contemporary artists throughout the Washington region. It is seen by more than 2,000 galleries, curators, art consultants, and interested art patrons. Copies are distributed to selected art critics and other members of the press, and to museums both in the region and outside the area. The 2011 Artist Directory will also be available for sale on the WPA website and at select area retail locations at the price of $9.95.

Each participating artist will be featured on a full page (8.5 x 5.5 inches). The page will include the artist's name, a color digital image of their work, their studio address and phone number, email address, web address, and their gallery affiliation.

All current WPA members are eligible for publication in the Artist Directory. There is an additional registration fee that includes a copy of the Artist Directory. Participants who submit before December 1, 2010 can pay a discounted early registration fee of $65. After December 1, the registration fee increases to $75. The final registration deadline is February 1, 2011. No submissions will be accepted after this date.

All submissions will be handled through an online registration form on the WPA's website.

Each participating artist can upload one image to be featured on their page. Images must be submitted as .eps or .tif files in CMYK format. They must be 300dpi and as close as possible to, but no smaller than 6 inches on the longest side.

If you have any questions regarding the 2011 Artist Directory, please contact Blair Murphy, Membership Directory at or 202-234-7103 x 1.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Anderson on Dawson's Real Art DC

The CP's John Anderson has some really good observations and issues with The Washington Post's Real Art D.C. contest.

By the way, a belated congrats to contest winner Steven Silburg. As I've noted before, I will invite all of Dawson's picks for the next volume of the 100 Washington Artists trilogy (so it's really 300 isn't it?).

Anderson's article gave me an idea and I am toying with the concept of going through all the entries to see if I can find my own top ten that I like and invite one of those to be in the next volume as well.

Read Anderson's article here.

Heard on Univision

A 10 year old Romanian girl (Spanish double talk - in Spain - for Gypsy) living in Andalusia has given birth.

Lest We Forget

"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

- Josef Stalin

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


As we vote today, it is a somber thought when we recall those who live under the boot of tyrants. Yesterday I told you about the brutalization of Reina Luisa Tamayo Danger, a Cuban grandmother and dissident activist who, since the murder of her son Orlando, has become one of the leaders of the peaceful Cuban protest for freedom from the iron-fisted rule of the Castro brothers.

Following an immediate international outrage over her beating and jailing, this gutsy lady was released from jail, where we have now learned that she was shouting "Freedom!" over and over from her dungeon cell, and thus she was beaten in the mouth and her mouth stuffed with a rag soaked in gasoline.

Tamayo's three sons and their wives are still being held in jail by Castro's police. It is curious to see how none of this has made generally the US news circuit (other than Miami newsmedia of course) while making news all over the rest of the world.

Reina Luisa has been offered exile and to leave Cuba. Her answer was no! and: Freedom!