Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Opportunity for Artists

EXHIBITION DATES: June 22, 2011 - August 21, 2011
OPENING RECEPTION: June 24, 2011, 6 to 9 PM

PLANNING PROCESS: Drawings and Finished Works at Arlington Arts Center.

Juror: Helen Allen, former creator and Executive Director of PULSE Art Fairs, former Executive Director of Ramsay Art Fairs, and current partner for the upcoming (e)merge art fair in Washington DC.

PLANNING PROCESS is a juried drawing show with a difference: All of the drawings selected for inclusion must be studies created in preparation for finished artworks.

Winning studies will be shown alongside finished pieces in a variety of media: A sculptor or a painter could show sketches alongside finished objects . . . a video artist could show storyboards alongside video . . . an installation artist could show plans alongside photos documenting a finished project--or a recreation of that project onsite.

Artists can submit images of up to three projects, and four preparatory drawings per finished project. The juror will pick as many projects from a given artist as she likes, and as few or as many studies connected to each project that she would like to feature.


- This show is open to cutting edge contemporary artists working in any/all media, and who live or work in Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, or Pennsylvania.
- You may submit images of up to THREE PROJECTS: Up to four images of preparatory drawings may be submitted for each project; submit one JPEG of each finished 2-D work; up to TWO JPEGs of 3-D works; and MPEGs no longer than five minutes for video works.

Application here.

Armory Week in NYC

The Armory fair starts tomorrow in NYC, and this year an ever growing number of satellite fairs tag along, including a first for Brooklyn!

It's a little puzzling to some why it seems like (in the US) art fairs only tend to be successful in Miami and New York - and the best evidence of that is the growing number of satellite fairs which tag along Art Basel Miami Beach in Florida and Armory in NYC.

Moving Image, a fair dedicated to video, makes its debut this year, and it is offering free admission! The fair is co-founded by Edward Winkelman of Winkleman Gallery and Penny Pilkington and Wendy Olsoff of PPOW Gallery, continuing the trend of gallerists starting their own art fairs.

DMV galleries are mostly staying home this year, but Conner Contemporary is at the Armory show itself, and Civilian is at Scope, while Richmond's ADA and Norfolk's Mayer Fine Arts are in other satellite fairs.

Deborah Kahn at the WSS

The Washington Studio School will present a drawing exhibition of work by Deborah Kahn. The show will be on view March 21 to April 23.

Join them Friday, March 25 for Events with the Artist:

Workshop*: 2pm-4pm

Slide Lecture: 5pm-6pm

Reception: 6pm-8pm

Registration is required for workshop ($55). Register here. Space is limited, sign-up early! Slide lecture and reception are FREE.

RSVP kindly appreciated to 202-234-3030 or Deborah Kahn's paintings will be also on view this spring at the Bowery Gallery in NYC from April 26 through May 21.

DC artist John Grazier pops in


I just experimented with a new marketing tool:  two youtube videos.  One, to sell a 40"X60" painting of an apple, "Big Apple," the 'hook' of the video being photos of New York and a soundtrack of music from the 1940s and 1960s, -- and as you must know, New York being called the big apple.  This video is about five minutes long, "Big Apple, New York, New York."

The second is a video montage of about twenty drawings and paintings, with a chamber music soundtrack, "Years of Dreams in Minutes," less than two minutes long.

I am sending this email to all recipients in my list of contacts.  If you receive a duplicate of an earlier email, I apologize.

I have posted two videos about my paintings on youtube.

It is best to click on the hyperlinks instead of the youtube icons at the bottom of the page; then select full screen

Also, if you don't already know, I have a new website,


John is one of the most talented artists in our region - a true master of drawing and painting! 

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

On Strike from the Huffington Post

Just received the below from Bill Lasarow, Publisher and Editor of ArtScene / Visual Art Source

When ArtScene and Visual Art Source was invited to become a Huffington Post blogger last year I, as publisher and editor of both publications, understood that the company paid nothing. We surveyed our writers’ reactions to assess their willingness to have their material reposted there for no additional pay. Visual Art Source, ArtScene and art ltd. ( form an umbrella art publishing company that is actually quite large by the standards of our very specialized field. The tens of thousands of readers and online users that we boast, however, are miniscule compared to the 26 million visitors per month that the Huffington Post currently draws.

Yet we are now going on strike. For now, at least, no more content from us will appear on the Huffington Post.

And just like the corporate titans of the American Right, it would come as no surprise if Ms Huffington, whom I am certain has a good heart and only the best intentions, were to assume the obvious position: Who needs these people anyway? They are not even employees.

Nonetheless, we shall remain on strike until these two demands are met. First, a pay schedule must be proposed and steps initiated to implement it for all contributing writers and bloggers. Second, paid promotional material must no longer be posted alongside editorial content; a press release or exhibition catalogue essay is fundamentally different from editorial content and must be either segregated and indicated as such, or not published at all.

I am also calling upon all others now contributing free content, particularly original content to the Huffington Post to also join us in this strike.

We think it is incumbent upon the many writers and bloggers to form a negotiating partnership with Huffington/AOL in order to pursue these and other important matters so as to professionalize this relationship. It is not entirely Ms Huffington’s fault that so many talented professionals have been willing to accept the company’s terms on an “in kind” basis. Surely most do so in the hopes of achieving their own fame and fortune thanks to the great exposure that Huffington Post potentially offers. Unfortunately, such participants are only complicit in a relationship that fails the ethical smell test. And those who are already nationally known figures who will never need to be concerned about pay scales, shame on you, you should know better.

It is unethical to expect trained and qualified professionals to contribute quality content for nothing. It is unethical to cannibalize the investment of other organizations who bear the cost of compensation and other overhead without payment for the usage of their content. It is extremely unethical to not merely blur but eradicate the distinction between the independent and informed voice of news and opinion and the voice of a shill.

None of this is illegal, only unethical and oh so very hypocritical, so Ms Huffington if you insist do carry on, by all means. However we are taking this action, with the full knowledge of our contributing writers and editors, in the belief that your better angels will enable you to do the right thing. We stand ready to provide whatever helpful input we can.
For further information please contact Bill Lasarow, Publisher and Co-Editor of ArtScene / Visual Art Source, (213) 482-4724, /

Tonight: Select's Curators Talk

Tonight is one of the The Washington Project for the Arts' (WPA) big events of the year, as their Annual Art Auction Exhibition and Gala, SELECT kicks into high gear tonight with the Curators' View event from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public.

At the Curators' View, each Select curator will present and discuss their exhibition selections. In addition, WPA's prized Alice Denney Award will be presented by Robert Lehrman to Washington-based artist William Christenberry for his support of WPA and sustained commitment to the DC arts community.

Then Saturday, March 12, 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of the organization's well-known arts gala that includes a curated silent auction of more than 100 contemporary works by top contemporary artists, formal dinner, and performance art.

The events will be held at 700 Sixth Street, an Akridge-managed property, in northwest Washington on top of Chinatown; it is expected to draw over 500 art enthusiasts. You can see the selected works online here.

Meet Joel D’Orazio tomorrow

Joel D’OrazioArt chairs, sculpture and abstract painting by architect turned painter/sculptor Joel D’Orazio. New as a Zenith Gallery artist, D’Orazio will be featured in a solo show, Listen to Me, at the Gallery at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, curated by Zenith Gallery.

The show opened on February 7 and will remain on display through May 13, with a “Meet the Artist” Reception on Wednesday, March 2, 5:30pm to 8:00pm.