Friday, October 09, 2015

Peter Nesbett at the WPA

Kim Ward's and Lisa Gold's contributions to the DMV's art scene will never be recorded in a book or TV documentary, but they are huge, and thanks to Al Gore's Internet, they have been recorded over the last decade here is this ass-kicking blog.

Thank you ladies, for steering the WPA through very rough seas. Most DMV area artists have no idea how much they owe you (Personally I owe Kim a fuckload of gratitude, as I met my wife in a show that I curated for the then "WPA/Corcoran")... The Kimster can never do wrong by me!

The WPA has a new leader, who not only has some big shoes to fill (cough, cough... as both Kim and Lisa have tiny feet) but also comes to the WPA as a re-energized artist organization.

Peter Nesbett (in this really good article by my arch nemesis Kristooon Kapppps) appears to be the right point guard for the WPA, and the Lenster welcomes him aboard.... Gotta admit though that I'm not a big fan of Darrow's pic of him (not your fault Darrow... it's the cross-arm staring pose that kills it)... but D-dude, you nailed it with my pic!
Nesbett has only just this month moved to D.C. from Philly, so his first order of business here is meeting the city’s artists—literally. Nesbett is looking to get an audience with 100 artists over his first 100 days on the job. He has a ton of programming ideas, he says, but he doesn’t want to lead with any of them—not until he gauges what at least 100 artists want the WPA to be doing.
Ok Pete... call me... I got a 11 ideas for you as to what the WPA should be doing to kick ass and take names in the nation's capital and other places... empirically-based ideas, not anecdotal or touchy-feely ideas... these are really gooooood ideas Pete! You've got my cell and email...

But above all: Welcome to the DMV! 

Lo que no mata... engorda!

Thursday, October 08, 2015

The Song of the Mischievous Dog by Dylan Thomas

The Song of the Mischievous Dog by Dylan Thomas... as interpreted by a six-year-old:

Anderson Lennox Campello: I think of someone eating a hot dog, the guy who wrote this poem eating a hot dog.
 THERE are many who say that a dog has its day,
And a cat has a number of lives;
There are others who think that a lobster is pink,
And that bees never work in their hives.
There are fewer, of course, who insist that a horse
Has a horn and two humps on its head,
And a fellow who jests that a mare can build nests
Is as rare as a donkey that’s red.
Yet in spite of all this, I have moments of bliss,
For I cherish a passion for bones,
And though doubtful of biscuit, I’m willing to risk it,
And I love to chase rabbits and stones.
But my greatest delight is to take a good bite
At a calf that is plump and delicious;
And if I indulge in a bite at a bulge,
Let’s hope you won’t think me too vicious.

The UMW Video Wall is Seeking Video Art Submissions

Deadline: Ongoing

The UMW Media Wall is now accepting submissions for the 2015-2016 academic year.

The Wall is a one-of-a-kind moving image exhibition space located in the atrium of the Information and Technology Convergence Center at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA.

The Wall is a large scale high definition video canvas composed of 43 separate Prysm Laser Phosphor Display (LPD) tiles arranged into a freeform array that measures 10 feet wide and 12.5 feet tall. Every month a new artist or group show will run on a continuous loop for two weeks.

To submit your work please use the submission form at where you can also download the UMW Media Wall Mask to properly adjust your work to the Wall’s unique monitor configuration.


Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Opportunity for Women Artists

Call for Works: International Juried Exhibition "Being Her Now”
Salisbury University

Deadline: 11/09/15
Currently accepting submissions that explore Feminine Identity in the 21st century.

They are accepting all forms of media for this exhibition: 2d, 3d, video, film, design, new media, etc.
They are also looking for PERFORMANCE PROPOSALS for a live performance event to be held at Salisbury University on March 3, 2016. If your proposal is selected for inclusion in this event, you must be available on this date to perform at the University.

The selection jury is composed of six woman scholars and artists in the fields of art history, studio art, performance art, women’s studies and film studies.

See the full call and APPLY HERE:
For more information visit:

Tuesday, October 06, 2015


Wilmer WIlson IV
CONNERSMITH is pleased to announce Wilmer Wilson IV's upcoming performance at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC. Wilson's "Portrait with Hydrogen Peroxide Strips" will engage the artist's skin, the textured clearness of the strips, and the biochemical absorption of the hydrogen peroxide.

A photographic strobe light environment will further plasticize the temporal moment of portraiture.

It is the inaugural work for the National Portrait Gallery's new series Identify: Performance Art as Portraiture.
Details here. 

Monday, October 05, 2015

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this mutant:

From: Benard Martez (
Dear Friend

We are interested in your Goods which you displayed in the site and we want to
purchase some of the products on this site for our ref. please send us more 
information about your company for our ref. please send to our company 
official email: address:

Best Regards
Mr Benard Martez
Purchasing Manager
Nasatech Inter Co Ltd
Address: 07 Quatics blk
North CarolinaZip:710026
United state.
Tele :1-330-34367971

Sunday, October 04, 2015

First Lady Yumi Hogan hosts student art exhibition

In keeping with her commitment to support the arts, Maryland’s First Lady Yumi Hogan, will host a special exhibition of artwork by Maryland students in the House of Delegates Office Building gallery space, now named “The First Lady’s Art Gallery.”

The First Lady started the gallery this year and the October exhibition will be the first of many. This will be a bi-annual event – with shows in the fall and in spring. 
The juried Inaugural Student Artwork Exhibition, will include three awards for outstanding accomplishment in visual art. A private reception is planned on Oct. 23. The exhibition will run through November 13.
The Maryland State Department of Education Fine Arts Office and the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) are working in partnership on this event.

My kudos to Maryland’s First Lady Yumi Hogan!