Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wake effect from SOFA Chicago

Pop Quiz!!!

What's the wake effect?

Answer here.

And the wake effect from SOFA Chicago, almost two months ago, is that (after being seen in that fair) this 2013 drawing has found a home and is now heading to a collector in Cincinnati, Ohio!

Supergirl Flying Naked  2013 F. Lennox Campello
Supergirl Flying Naked
2013 F. Lennox Campello
Charcoal on Paper, 14 x 8.25 inches

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Art Exhibits at Brookside Gardens: Linda DeCamp

As we've done over the years, visited Brookside Gardens on Monday night to see their amazing Garden of Lights display - and even though it was rainy and drizzly and cold, the place was packed! If you haven't been, it is one of the great outdoor marvels of the DMV and it only happens once a year!

While at the visitor center, I checked out the artwork on exhibit there... Brookside Gardens supports and promotes all the arts with show opportunities and by working with individual artists, groups of artists, and public sector agencies including the Montgomery County Arts Council and the Public Arts Trust.

Brookside Gardens Art Exhibit Calendar is fully booked through 2017. Applications for 2018 will be accepted beginning Jan. 1, 2016 Questions? Contact

Art Exhibit Application and Exhibition Guidelines

Anyway, while checking out the work, several paintings by artist Linda DeCamp stood out to me because of their freshness and painterly handling of the texture of the oil paints. If anyone knows the artist, please have her drop me a line, as I may have a client for one of her works (I know someone who collects beach paintings).

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Curator's Office reopens in new space

Andrea Pollan's Curator's Office is back!
Curator's Office is excited to announce the gallery venue, Curator's Office @ Edgewood Studios, at 703 Edgewood Street NE, Washington, DC. To launch this venue officially, Curator's Office is presenting an exhibition of noted artist Jeff Spaulding's sculptural work entitled Vintage. This warehouse building has a rich artist studio history in the city and has been the working space of some of the finest artists in the greater Washington, DC area including Siemon Allen, Kristina Bilonick, Kendall Buster, Patrick Craig, Tara Donovan, Ian Jehle, Patrice Kehoe, Patrick McDonough, Ledelle Moe, Jefferson Pinder, W.C. Richardson, and Yuriko Yamaguchi among numerous others. Jeff Spaulding, one of the original artists in this building, has had his studio here for almost 30 years.
Jeff Spaulding
Partial Installation View: Walker, Gate, & Riker
asphalt on wood, charcoal, variable dimensions.
The gallery space is in the studio building located above Mess Hall. A gray metal door with signage is the entrance to the studio building as you drive down Edgewood Street. It is located on your right. There is street parking on weekends. The closest Metro station is Rhode Island Ave - Brentwood Station on the Red Line. This artist studio building can be cold in January. Please dress warmly. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

On the same paper pad!

Don't you find it interesting how all these artists all worked these drawings on the same type of paper? Cough, cough... The "finds" one "finds" on Ebay!

See them all here.





Sunday, December 27, 2015

New Alma Selimovic

DeviD is Alma Selimovic's latest piece and it is inspired by Michelangelo's David as you might notice.

Alma has a plan to make a series of androgynous sculptures that are inspired by famous paintings and or sculptures. 

DeviD is 27" tall and will stand on a thick slab of glass. It will be in New York next year at one of the fairs during Armory week... unless one of you wants to add it to your collection now!

DeviD by Alma Selimovic

DeviD by Alma Selimovic

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Xmas loot

Wait till you guys see some of the crazy socks that I got for 2015 Xmas...

Friday, December 25, 2015

A Christmas Eve story

Those of you who know me... know that I am not a what would be described as an overly religious person; that's not a disclaimer, but a fact.

I went to a Catholic elementary school (Our Lady of Loretto in Brooklyn), but my family was also not religious at all.

For 2015, we wanted to get Anderson an outdoor basketball hoop. As there are dozens of them around our neighborhood, we asked our neighbors if anyone wanted to pass one on, and one of our generous neighbors did.

"We actually inherited the hoop from another neighbor," they said, "And our kids have moved on."

As the hoop was going to be a Christmas present from Santa, and in order to sneak it into our yard at the last possible minute, last night, around 8PM, I trekked to their house, about a quarter of a mile away, preparing to drag the hoop over to our house.

I vastly under estimated the weight of the hoop (pole, base and backboard), which has small wheels at the front of its base to allow for relocation movement, but clearly not designed to be dragged by one man for that long of a distance.

About five minutes into the ordeal, and already soaked in sweat and breathing heavily, as I passed one of the light poles on the street heading to our street, I was startled by my own shadow.

My shadow, stooped over and carrying the heavy basketball hoop, with the backboard on my shoulders and the pole dragging behind me, startled me because it looked exactly like a man carrying a cross.

"I wonder what any neighbor who sees this from their house would think," I thought. In the dark of the night, with just some peripheral light from the light poles, it would be easy to confuse me with some zealous penitent carrying a cross.

I struggled on, my shoulders really aching now, and my sweat pouring from my brow, and my baseball cap being crushed into my eyes by the backboard, so that I had to stop and take my glasses off, and re-adjust the red Nats cap..

As I stopped and lost the momentum, and I was on a slight uphill, it became really hard to get the hoop going again.

"What I need now is a Simon to help me," I thought. The "Simon" being Simon of Cyrene, of course... the man who according to the Bible helped The Christ to carry the cross.

Almost immediately a tall, gangly, dark-haired young man stepped out of the shadows, his hair full of tight black curls.

"Sir," he said, "Can I help you carry that?"

"Thank you!" I almost shouted as he put his shoulder to the backboard and together we trudged along; the task a lot easier now.

"I really appreciate it," I told him as we carried the hoop side by side. "This is for my son," I explained. "Do you live around here?"

He told me that he was a visitor, and was visiting his girlfriend, who lived in our neighborhood.

We carried the hoop to our cul-de-sac, placed it in the right spot, and shook hands.

"Thank you a million times," I said to him. "My name is Lenny, Merry Christmas."

"My name is Simon," he responded as he walked away into the shadows..."Merry Christmas."

I walked back into my house, soaked in sweat and breathing heavily, and then, and only then, it dawned on me.