Sunday, February 26, 2017

Amy Lin: Two solos in one month!

Constant readers know that I love to highlight hardworking artists and hardworking gallerists who are always busting their butts to move forward...
DMV blue chip artist Amy Lin is one such artist and we're sponsoring her for a solo booth at SCOPE New York this coming March 2-5... As if that wasn't enough of a challenge, Lin also has a solo show opening in Georgetown's iconic Addison/Ripley Fine Art March 11 through April 15th!
New York City:
SCOPE Art Fair, March 2-5, Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W. 18th St., New York, NY
Alida Anderson Art Projects is exhibiting Amy's art in a solo booth (#045) at SCOPE Art Fair next week.

Washington, DC:
Addison/Ripley Fine Art, March 11-April 15, 1670 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. Amy's solo show “Baby Thoughts” is inspired by her adorable baby (of course!) and there will be two events in the gallery:
- The opening reception is on Saturday, March 11 from 5-7pm.
- A Conversation with Dr. Anne Collins Goodyear, Co-director of the Bowdoin Museum, will be on Saturday, March 18 at 11am.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Alper Initiative Call for Washington Artists!

This summer, the Alper Initiative for Washington Art at the American University Museum will host their first exhibition featuring Washington, DC area artists who have submitted their work to the Initiative’s online database.

The deadline for submitting is March 1, 2017, and is open to all Washington area artists. 

Please see their website for details and submission guidelines

Friday, February 24, 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this asswipe trying to rip off artists:
From: erin winam (
 Hello, How are you doing today? I would like to purchase something nice for my wife as our wedding anniversary approaches, please kindly forward the artworks you have available for purchase within this price range ($350-$600).Thank you
This is how the scam works and how to protect yourself... 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Opportunity for Artists

Submission Deadline: March 13, 2017

Each year, Arlington Arts Center selects approximately 14 artists from across the Mid-Atlantic region for solo exhibitions in AAC’s seven separate gallery spaces or outside on the grounds. Proposals that specifically consider AAC’s space, layout, and surrounding environs are encouraged. Floor plans are available on our website.

This year's jurors will include: Kate Haw, Director of the Smithsonian Institution's Archives of American Art, and Mika Yoshitake, Assistant Curator at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

Who Can Apply: Artists who produce cutting-edge contemporary art in any and all media, and who live or work in Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, or Pennsylvania may submit exhibition proposals. Any existing works must have been completed within the last 3 years in order to be considered.

Fall SOLOS will open October 14 and run through December 17, 2017. Spring SOLOS will open April 14 and run through June 3, 2018.

AAC info:
Apply here:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A great free idea to the WaPo!

The internets are already having all kinds of fun with the Washington Post's new masthead slogan which made its debut tonight in the WaPo's website...

There are already all kinds of theories, opinions and thoughts, ranging from the numerologists' views of "three D's", to loads of funny memes, to another anti-Trumpian effort by the newspaper once dubbed Pradva on the Potomac during the halcyon days of Communism.

However, my good bud and Cuban-American peeps Jeff, who owns the WaPo, tells me that the new slogan is something that iconic reporter Bob Woodward apparently says all the time... cough, cough...

Regardless, in my highly informed and immensely brilliant opinion, the whole thing looks (notice I said "looks") a little kitschy to me... in fact a bit fortune cookie type.

Therein lies the brilliance of what can happen next! And here's my suggestion to the WaPo, intelligently inspired by my fortune cookie analogy: Change the slogan every day!

Then it would really be like a fortune cookie, but because it comes from the WaPo, it would be more serious... cough, cough.

Furthermore, there are no coincidences, and Donald Lau, America's top fortune cookie writer, has just retired after 30 years of fortune cookie writing!


Do not waste this opportunity! Contact Mr. Lau immediately, and entice him with a nice salary to un-retire and come write new slogans for the WaPo! If he declines, make him a one-year offer that he can't refuse, with a mentoring clause, so that he can mentor and train a couple of young, enterprising new slogan writers.

We want Lau! We want Lau! We want Lau!
