Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lisa Rosenstein's Top AOM artists

Alex Zealand - sculptor; she uses recycled/sustainable materials to create works of great delicacy and beauty. She was in a show with Adam Eig (another talented sculptor) at the new artdc.org gallery in Hyattsville. She had made a sculptural bowl out of grape stems that was so beautiful to look at, and the shadows it cast were just as nice to look at.

Barry Schmetterer - photography, deeply thoughtful and masterful works that give the viewer a space for contemplation.

Steven Reveley - glass artist; the first time that I saw this glass work my breath stopped at the combination of strength and fragility.

Sherill Gross - paper artist; the intricacy of her work blows my mind.

Jessica Hensley - collagist-self taught; very intentional fine workmanship, good compositions

Ben Toller - drawing; this guy is amazing. His eye and line are beyond belief. I saw his work at the O street studio a month or so ago. He's starting to paint, and already is above and beyond most; his work makes me think of Hieronymous Bosch.

Jeannette Herrerra - She's a little bit (actually a lot!) outsider art - very talented, self taught painter, very, very prolific. Both my kids bought her work at AOM last year with their own money. My son who was 14 at the time spotted her work first.

m. gert barkovic - saw this outrageous sculpture my first go round, had taken a pic and sent to the artist (whose name I then forgot). Just received an e-mail in response - yay! This one should have gotten one of those Renwick craft awards-Highest Honor.

Laurel Lukaszewski - just love her work.

Mark Planisek

Just received the terrible news that DC area artist Mark Planisek had a horrible accident over the weekend.

Apparently Mark was coming out of the Arlington Arts Center and about to was crossing the street, when a car peeled off, causing him to retreat backwards onto the sidewalk; he tripped on the curb and fell backwards, and was struck by a car and received a really bad head injury.

Planisek is in ICU and we're all hoping and praying for the best, but I am sad to say that his family has been told to prepare for the worst.

Monday, June 22, 2009

AOM Benefactor Letter 2

(Via Tammy Vitale):

If you got one...

The last "benefactor claimant asserted that he/she had mailed out 50 letters to AOM artists.

If you got one, either drop me an email or leave a comment.

Tammy Vitale's AOM Top 10

From DC area artist Tammy Vitale:

Wanted to give a shout out to some artists whose work I have really enjoyed this year. I hate to call it a Top Ten...mostly because I have others I really like. These folks, however, took the time to "talk" with me (via interviews on my blog), so I know them better and appreciate their work even more.

Patricia Hartnett: there is an underlying magic to the small paintings of a girl and a bird (birds), the twig tree - all things that call me in to visit with the work and hear it's stories. There are secrets here and I want to spend time learning them.

Tracey Clarke: also weaves a mythological land for her work. "The Guardian" caught my eye, the LLama with butterflies (whose title I don't know) kept me there delightedly smiling. I could live with any of her work forever (pretty much my criteria for "great art").

Krissy Downing - and not the first time. Her whimsical sense of humor always makes me smile. But this year, she added "Child in Branches"...not whimsical. More melancholy. Wonderful!

Alex Zealand - because I never quite know what it is I'm looking at. This year's piece was first rain, then harp strings, then a flock of birds. Doesn't get boring!

Jane Braoaddus - because her dolls are slightly wicked, and call forth the dark side. I like that (not to mention wonderfully and imaginatively executed).

Sofya Mervis: more dark side, pursuing a quest I visit in Body Politics: what is real beauty? why do women allow themselves to be co-opted by a marketing media that does not have their best interests in mind as it totes that "perfect" look? Pretty much: when will we (women) learn?

Susan LaMont - color. Lots of lush color. And underlying all that color, some tale is being told by juxtaposition of light and shadow. Mesmerizing!

Kim Reyes - always shows something that absolutely captures me. More often than not, several somethings. This year she has returned to her necklaces with ceramic focal pieces - the work that first caught my eye at AOM02. And Departing (ceramic and chicken bones) stopped me in my tracks. Reminescent of her work last year, it has to be a personal story, but there wasn't a tour for me learn the back history on it - my loss. (I don't have an interview with her but I have known and loved her work since my first ArtOMatic so I'd be remiss if I didn't mention her).

John Grunwell because I fell in love with his cat portrait at AOM02 and have enjoyed watching his style emerge and develop.

David Alfuth - His work amazes me. And he really really worked with me to get an interview in for my blog (computer troubles). I guess you have to have infinite patience as a characteristic to make his creations!

And like I said, there are many many more pieces I could cite and artists I could name. What I like about ArtOMatic lately is that one can watch certain artists as they move forward in their artistic process. Fascinating to watch unfold, inspiring to see their tenacious movement toward unrealized vision that is revealing itself as they go.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dueling Benefactors

Remember when I pointed you to artdc.org for the fascinating thread discussion on Artomatic's "Benefactor?"

The WaPo's Reliable Source picks up the story and wrote a little piece on it here. This apparently stirred up a hornet's nest and now there are two dueling entities who both claim to be the "benefactor."

The first one is allegedly an older lady and she wrote this letter:

To Whom It May Concern:

I wish to convey my regrets for any concern I have caused the artists of Artomatic. I meant no harm. You may well imagine my surprise at seeing my small gesture reported upon in the Washington Post.

Allow me to explain myself. Since the passing of my husband of 43 years I have not been as socially active as I once was. My daughter, Margaret, accompanied me to the Artomatic Fair some weeks ago. I was enchanted by the work I was able to view. I was not able to tour the entire show but the work that I saw touched my heart and brightened my day. My income is limited so Margaret suggested I send a small token of my appreciation to some of the artists who touched me most.

I have asked Margaret to leave this note with the Directors of Artomatic. I do so hope that I have caused no lasting distress to all of the delightful artists in your show.

I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.

With warmest regards,

The Benefactor
Which caused someone else to become an artdc poster and he/she added this on their forum:
I don't have time to make this rhyme:

The letter "Rebecca" received was a fake

my letters are center-justified, the fake was left justified

I sent everything by US mail

the fake was delivered in person

I have sent out about 50 letters and I know to whom

can the impostor give you a list of all the artists that were sent letters? I doubt it

I would have ignored the fake letter, but I decided to clear things up when I heard Tammy V was offering art to the writer of the fake letter.

Please don't expect any response to questions or comments. I am only here to expose the fake.

I prefer the printed word to the internet.

don't worry, be happy

Thanks for the art

The Benefactor
All the details here.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wanna go to an art opening in Baltimore this week?