Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Pulse opening day minus one

Up early in the am and took a pic of the spectacular view from the even more spectacular condo where I am staying courtesy of two dear old friends. And I was so tired from last night's march that I slept for a solid ten hours!

After waking up, I took the free Miami Beach trolley and for some reason I got of a few blocks before where Pulse actually is (46th) and thus had to walk again!

Once at Pulse, a few hours later the booth was all finished!

Around two I took the trolley back to the condo, showered (again) and then headed out to the Aqua Art Fair opening... to help out with the Washington Glass Studio's first ever art fair over at the iconic Aqua hotel on Collins Avenue.

When I got there around 4PM, there was a huge line outside Aqua (always a good sign)... part because Aqua has a great reputation as the best hotel art fair on the planet, and part because the Miami Beach fire marshal has suddenly decided to limit how many people can be inside the building's courtyards.

The gallery's room was on the second floor and the hotel was packed! They had work by two of the DMV's best known glass artists: Steve Wanna and Erwin Timmers, as well some spectacular assemblages by the DMV's Jordan Bruns (now living in Japan) and new DMV area glass artist Teri Bailey, the new face the Washington Glass School's staff and the director of its gallery.

While there I ran in to former DMV artist Cheryl Derricote, who is having a spectacular career since moving to the Bay area!

The Lenster with Cherryl Derricote
When I left... around 8PM, the line outside the hotel was almost a block long!

The trolley back to my place was packed and I rode on its steps!  Pulse opens tomorrow!

Maryland State Arts Council professional webinar series

The Maryland State Arts Council presents its first ever professional webinar series! Their Winter 2020 series will begin January 13th, and they will host multiple webinars each week until the end of February. All webinars are one hour long and free to the public. There will be a Q and A session after each webinar. If you have any questions you would like to submit before attending a webinar, please send them to Registration is required for each session.

January 13th: Welcome to MSAC! 
An overview of the Maryland State Council including what we do, ways to get involved and where to find information.
 Led by MSAC Executive Director, Ken Skrzesz and Deputy Director Steven Skerritt-Davis. Register here.

January 15th: Maryland Traditions: What is the Folklife Network?
MSAC will fund three new regional folklife centers in 2021: one in Baltimore City, one in mid-Maryland (Carroll, Frederick, and Howard counties), and one on the Upper Eastern Shore (Caroline, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, and Talbot counties). Organizations interested in learning how to become a regional folklife center should join this webinar to learn more about the Folklife Network, which funds activities supporting Maryland's living cultural traditions. 
Led by State Folklorist, Chad Buterbaugh. Register here.

January 16th: Public Art 101 for Organizations
For communities interested in developing public art, this webinar will guide administrators/project managers from visioning and planning, through the artist selection process, artwork design, fabrication and installation. We will also review the Public Art Across Maryland grant program and address specific application questions to ensure your organization is prepared to apply. This webinar is also informative for artists seeking to enter the public art field.
Led by MSAC Public Art Program Director, Liesel Fenner. Register here.

January 22nd: Folklife Opportunities for Independent Artists
MSAC supports folklife artists with direct grants, resources at regional folklife centers, professional development, and consultation. Independent artists working in folklife, or community-based living cultural traditions handed down by example or word of mouth, should join this webinar to learn more about opportunities through MSAC's folklife program, Maryland Traditions. 
Led by State Folklorist, Chad Buterbaugh. Register here.

January 28th: Understanding and Marketing Arts & Entertainment District Property Tax Incentives 
(for A&E District Managers)
Maryland’s A&E Districts legislation allows local jurisdictions to enact property tax credits, but implementing and marketing the credits can be tricky. Join MSAC staff and A&E District Managers Stuart Eisenberg (Gateway) and Jennifer Merritt (Crisfield) for an interactive discussion about creating, implementing, and marketing A&E District property tax credits. 
Led by MSAC Deputy Director Steven Skerritt-Davis. Register here.

February 6th: Smart Simple Tutorial
Smart Simple is MSAC's new grants platform. Learn how to navigate the platform and how to complete applications such as the Creativity Grants application and the Maryland Touring Grants application.
Led by MSAC Program Directors Emily Sollenberger and Laura Weiss. Register here.

February 10th: MSAC Grantwriting 101
Learn basic do's and don'ts in writing grant narratives for MSAC and what our panelists look for in describing yourself as an individual artist, teaching artist, and/or organization.
Led by MSAC Director of Grants and Professional Development, Dana Parsons. Register here.

February 21st: Equitable and Accessible Regranting for County Arts Agencies
Maryland’s 24 county arts agencies help extend the reach of MSAC, in part by distributing grant funds to local nonprofits and independent artists. This webinar will review strategies local arts agencies can employ to distribute grant funds equitably and to make grant processes accessible and transparent. 
Led by MSAC Director of Grants and Professional Development, Dana Parsons. Register here.

February 26th: Canva Tutorial
Learn how this free tool can help with your print & digital marketing. Walk through the basics on how to utilize this website to make flyers, social media posts, brochures, presentations and more. 
Led by MSAC Program Director, Emily Sollenberger and Marketing & Communications Manager, Amelia Rambissoon. Register here.

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Miami Art Basel Week: VIP Opening Night Minus Two

Airborne bright and early this cold morning in Washington, DC... Lyft'd to Dulles by Claudio - got there almost two hours before the departure.

Packed plane... middle seat, which is what apparently United Airlines gives to anyone with a "Basic Economy" ticket holder... plus no carry-on (unless you wanna shell out $25!).

Landed in Miami almost an hour early (suspicious ETA figgerin')... and my great friend and host Scott B. picked me up at the airport... I'm staying at his spectacular home exchange condo on the 16th floor on the beach at "the beach" of Miami Beach.  Check out the condo here.

Scott and Judy rock!

By one o'clock I was at the great Pulse Art Fair... our very first time ever at this fair after over a dozen years at the Art Basel week of fairs in Miami.

By the time I got there, Michael Janis and the new gallery assistant (Teri Bailey) had already brought all the boxes and art from the truck to the booth - nice!

Work, work, work... open boxes, get an Exaco knife cut, ask permission to use tiny nails instead of screws, lift up Tim's heavy-assed pieces from the boxes...

Tim Tate calls: He's stuck in Atlanta as his plane developed problems... "no worries", I say, but Tim is worried.

A few more hours of work and it's almost 8 PM and I decide that we're almost "good" and both the Janis and I head to our beds.

On the spur of the moment I decide to lug my luggage to the condo by way of the beach trail (rather than the free Collins Avenue trolley)...

Bad decision... once you get on this damned "board" (brick) walk... there's now way to get out of it - no "exit" to Collins Avenue - other than when you get to a park.

Two looooong miles later (remember... I'm dragging my luggage)... I get to Bel Aire... which thank God is right next to a park and thus an exit from the fucking yellow brick road.

I go up to Scott and Judy's super condo on the 16th floor, with an amazing view of the Caribbean... and yet I am mesmerized by the fact that these two former DMV area art collectors had the "sight' to pick up soooooooooo many great DMV stars... and I find great vintage, early works in their amazing place.

vintage Sheila Giolitti

vintage Tim Tate
2019 is great so far! The fairs haven't opened yet... and I've already showed you some great artwork!

I walked Collins to a little Colombian restaurant and got some tostones with fried cheese (leave it to the Colombians to try to improve a Cuban dish)... and I must admit that it was really good.

More tomorrow...

Monday, December 02, 2019

Spectacular digs in Miami Beach

Check out the spectacular place where I'll be staying while working the Pulse Art Fair in Miami Beach! This amazing place is available for rent!  Note the great artwork on the walls... most of it acquired over the years from DMV artists by the owners!

Sunday, December 01, 2019

New gallery grand opening tonight!

There's a new gallery opening in an epic location in town and the grand opening party is tonight!!! From their news release:
This is to announce and welcome you to my new and spectacular Gallery, and kiosk, LOVE ALL SERVE ALL.  Both are in the iconic and historic UNION STATION, the train station located at 50 Massachusetts NE, Washington, DC  20002.  The gallery is on the Mezzanine, the 2nd floor on the right as one goes up the curved stairs after passing through the Grand Hall.  It is next to Andrews Ties, and is 2640 square feet.  The kiosk is on the main floor through the Grand Hall, all the way to the left, across from H&M by the escalators.  
The Gallery will exhibit and sell original art, excellent only hand made items by local artists and vintage, quirky pieces.
The kiosk will tease and seduce you upstairs with a sampling of the extensive collection above.  A free gift awaits you if you make the trek to the Mezzanine, down the hallway to the massive Gallery.
We will be having a Grand Opening Party on Sunday, December 1, from 10 in the morning until whenever our last guest decides to leave in the evening.  The opening will be a fundraiser to benefit Victims of Sex Trafficking, themselves.  To that end, we will be raffling off gift baskets graciously donated by The Body Shop, a coveted L'Occitaine Advent Calendar filled with samples of every L'Occitaine product, generously donated by L'Occitaine, a fabulous gift donated by Elisabeth's Boutique (also located on the Mezzanine).  We will also have refreshments, including sumptuous pastries generously donated by The Sweet Shop, imported, fantastic cheeses from Bowers Fancy Dairy Products,  and delicious delicacies purveyed by Canales Deli, also available at historic Eastern Market, and delicious snacks and discount coupons good for dinner at Unos Pizza just across the way on the Mezzanine, should you decide to stay and dine!
Additionally we will have fantastic live entertainment, including the precious, precocious and adorable Lilly who, at the tender age of twelve, will grace us with the singing of her original songs at 1pm, the magnificently talented Sharon McKay who will regale us with her unbelievable voice at 7pm, the sensational Shara, at a time yet to be announced, and I, myself will read portions of The United States Constitution.  There may be dancing and you are all welcome to sing along!  We have an acoustic guitar on hand for anyone who wishes to engage us as long as you can play (lol).
I intend this project to be a Force for Good, in a world increasingly in need of such!  To this end I am making a portion of the Gallery space available to others who are holding the light in this increasingly darkening world.  Already scheduled on our calendar is the heroic Jianli Yang, imprisoned in China for his participation in Tiananmen Square for five years, he now runs Citizen Power Initiatives which in part aides student activists in Hong Kong in their fight for democracy.  He will be speaking in the Gallery on Human Rights Day, December 10, from 2pm -4pm.  I hope you can attend.  Later in the month we will be hosting the lovely Andrea Seiger who will inform us of the Washington, DC we have yet to discover with tales from her book, 111 PLACES IN WASHINGTON THAT YOU MUST NOT MISS!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Stable accepting Post Studio applications

From Stable:
We have seats open in our Post Studio! The Post Studio is a shared work space for individuals who do not need traditional studios but want to be apart of the STABLE community. They will have a shared desk space within the STABLE complex, enjoy 24/7 access to work at their convenience, and benefit from STABLE's programming and resource sharing. The Post Studio is available to artists, independent curators, and writers.
Details here.