Conant at Multiple Exposures
One of the DC area's most talented and innovative photographers, Danny Conant, opens at Alexandria's Multiple Explosures Gallery, with a reception October 12 from 2-4PM.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Shinji Turner-Yamamoto at GRACE
The GRACE main gallery stands at the corner of a busy intersection in Reston Town Center. Its storefront windows open to sidewalk and street traffic passing day and night. In contrast to this bustling cityscape, from October 11 through November 14, 2008 Shinji Turner-Yamamoto transforms the GRACE interior gallery into a quiet, meditative space by introducing a natural element - a large dead dogwood tree, lying on its side across the room as though asleep. Along its trunk and branches, the artist will plant tiny fern seedlings which will grow and carpet the dead tree with lush, new foliage.The Greater Reston Art Center's fascinating new exhibit opens with a reception on Saturday, October 11 from 5-7PM.
Taking a tree out of its natural context –the forest floor – and placing it on the gallery floor, Turner-Yamamoto hopes that viewers experience nature in a novel and surprising way. His intention is to make the connections and similarities between plant life and humanity visible, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life.
In an adjacent gallery, Turner-Yamamoto exhibits preparatory drawings, photographs, and a series of works developed in Finland during a residency preceding the exhibition. These two and three dimensional works incorporate the dogwood tree’s seeds, leaves, and twigs; red clay from around its roots is used as pigment. After the gallery exhibition, the tree will be moved to a woodland setting to continue its natural evolution.
Sleeping Tree is part of Turner-Yamamoto’s ongoing Global Tree Project, a series of site-specific installations mounted in India, Ireland, Japan, and now Virginia. Through these varied projects, the artist offers viewers a new way to see trees by illuminating the similarities in our life cycles as entities that grow, flourish, and leave the world enhanced for the next generation.
Art and the women of this year's election
By Annie Whitmore
Searching for inspiration for an upcoming exhibit, Chicago fetish painter Katie Cain, aka Kate Tastrophe, found it in a forwarded email about the women of this year's election.
"As a general rule I paint sexy, sadistic women," she says. "This email comes in, bashing the women who have been in the political spotlight this year, and I knew I had it."
"I think I had the most fun with 'Hillary Clinton as Lizzie Borden', I was cracking up the whole time I was painting it. She has this great cartoon supervillan thing going on, those crazy eyes and those wacko expressions on her face. The funny thing is, I didn't have to alter her expression one bit to turn her from exuberant campaigner into psychotic Victorian axe murderess, I only changed the context," Kate explained.
"'Michelle Obama as Marie Antoinette' wasn't much of a stretch, really." She continues. "A wealthy, pampered, social climbing elitist who thinks her own countrymen are disgusting little parasites. Do I mean Obama or Antoinette? Hard to tell the difference. I was looking at this photo of her and I just imagined her in the White House sneering 'Let them eat cake!'"
But the Dems aren't the only ones on the business end of the brush. "Oh, I'm an equal opportunity hater," Kate laughs, "The Republicans irritate me, too. Sarah Palin would say something completely frightening and everyone would go, "Yeah, but she's a total MILF." For those of you who are unfamiliar, the meaning of "MILF" is not fit to print. "So, even though she is this sadistic, nasty woman, people keep going bats over her looks. So I painted her as this sadistic, nasty soul-sucker, and that little pit bull remark she made stuck in my head, there's her Hound Of Hell at her side."
The works are not yet on Kate's website at, but they will be publicly unveiled at the Annual Halloween Art Exhibit in Chicago at the St. Paul Cultural Center, 2215 W. North Avenue on October 18th. Kate assured us she will be there in person. "I'm anxious to see what people say about this stuff," she says. "So far, the response has been positive. But the people who know me expect this sort of thing out of me. I love to cause trouble."
--Annie Whitmore
News On The Fringe
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Winning Piece
Yesterday I told you about my jury duty at CHAW, and the winning piece by Nancy Donnelly... it is titled "Tall Blue Dress." It is steel and glass.
And yet another piece of evidence of the terrific new glass revolution taking place in the nation's capital greater area.
Someone should go and buy this piece; the opening reception is Oct. 11 from 5-7PM.
I'm always telling you about my daughter Elise's successes in the theater, but my eldest daughter Vanessa is no slouch.
A while back she was in a singing competition where the competitors had to sing songs picked by the jurors. Vanessa ended up with the highest difficulty song in the entire competition: Whitney Houston's "I will always love you."
She delivered a power performance of one of the planet's most difficult songs to sing... see it below:
She finished second; behind her sister Elise!
Hamiltonian Gallery Opening Celebration
Awright DC... this is a big deal and let's all make sure that this endeavor succeeds!
DC's Hamiltonian Gallery will have its grand opening reception on Saturday, October 11, 7:00 - 10:00pm with an exhibition of new works by Nao Matsumoto, Bryan Rojsuontikul and Ian MacLean Davis.
Paul So's labor of love gallery has more than 2000 square feet of exhibition space with a prominent storefront on U Street NW between 13th and 14th Streets. The gallery is one of the first green contemporary art exhibition spaces in DC, and is mindfully designed to provide a professional exhibition space for artists working in a variety of media including painting, sculpture, photograph, video, audio, digital, and site-specific installation. Their first exhibition goes through November 2, 2008.
Grand Opening Reception: Saturday, October 11, 7:00 - 10:00pm
Music by DJ Gavin Holland
Jury Duty
Today I'm down South, but yesterday it was my honor to jury the next show at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop in DC, where I looked at about 100 works of art and selected 35 for exhibition and handed out six awards (three honorable mentions).
Best in Show was a very cool glass and metal sculpture by Nancy Donelly, I hope to have an image of that soon...
The opening is this coming Saturday, Oct. 11 from 5-7PM. I'll be there giving out the awards and also passing tips to artists on how to improve their chances in juried competitions. Free and open to the public.